Fates Explanation

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*Annabeth's POV*

Next time I see Percy, I'm going to judo flip him. His probably forgotten our date. I sighed and started walking back to my cabin. The horn blew an it was time for dinner. I made my way to the pavilion.

"Annabeth!" I heard someone shout out from behind.

I turned around and saw Piper running at me, with her hands waving in the air like a maniac.

"How did your date go with Percy?" She asked wiggling her eye brows.

I remained silent.

"I guess it didn't go well..." Piper trailed off.

"He didn't even show up," I mumbled.

"I'll help you beat him up," Piper says while glaring at the ground.

"Why would he miss our date? His always a little late but has always turns up," I sighed.

"Didn't he go to see his mother?" I nodded, "Well Percy is a momma's boy and if she asked him to stay he'll do it," explained Piper.

That is something Percy would do. Happy with Piper's answer, we both walked into the dinning pavilion.


"Malcolm pass the tomato sauce!" one of my siblings shouted at my brother.

Malcolm threw the sauce and they easily catches it. Our table was busting with activity as we were helping Jason design some new temples for the minor gods at New Rome. Malcolm and I were working in the same one. I was the over viewer of the whole project since I designed Olympus.

"We should add some engravings of shipwrecks for Kymopoleia temple," Malcolm suggested.

I just nodded my head. I didn't really care for Kymopoleia since she nearly drowned Percy, but still the design and temple had to be perfect. My hubris wouldn't allow it in any other way.

Malcolm and I continued to make adjustments to the design. I checked out the rest of my siblings blue prints, making suggestions here and there. We were nearly done with our first lot of designs we just needed Jason to give us the approval.

I was just about to search him, but instead he found me.

"Jason we have finished making designs for the new temples, we just need you to run though them," I told.

"I'll have to do that later, right now Chiron wants to see you at the big house. He looked worried," Jason gravely informed.

My happy mood quickly disappeared and I gave Jason a short nod. We both ran back to the Big House.


"Annabeth, I'm glad you came quickly," said Chiron.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Sadly yes. I got a call from Percy's mum," Chiron explained to me.

"Is she ok? Where is Percy?" I asked terrified of the answer.

I swear if Hera took him...

"It would be best if Sally explained, she on the phone right now," Chiron lead me to the phone.

I looked at the phone, not wanting to pick it up. Sally wouldn't risk using the phone to contact me unless it was really important. I had a massive feeling it was about Percy. I hope his ok, I can't lose him again especially after all we went though.

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