Meeting the Varden

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! (Or Merry Christmas for tomorrow for people who don't have it today) I hope all of you have a wonderful day and great lots of presents!!! Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for, for awhile. (Sorry for the later update. Been busy and the holidays started so I got really lazy! 😝)
I felt a huge amount of power enter my mind. I was about to shield my mind but then realised that the dragon was entering my mind, so I let him in.

Umm... I guess I have to say this again. Hey, my name is Percy and I'm here to help the Varden and protect Eragon and Saphira...

*Percy's POV*

All the people around me had their jaws dropped. They just stayed their starring at me. I shifted on the spot, uncomfortable with the attention. Like seriously, so what I'm a dragon so is Saphira what is so special about me? One of them came up to me. It was a female that reminded me of a cat. Then she bowed.

Why in Hades is she bowing to me? I thought to myself.

'Because your a dragon and elves have a huge respect for dragons,' I heard a voice in my head.

'It's me Eragon. I'm surprised that you didn't know about the elves' said Eragon.

'Where I come from there isn't any elves, though the elves do remind me of an nymph... Wait hold up, are you guys always going to hear my thoughts?' I asked.

A new voice appeared in my head, 'No, not if you can shield your mind, you should be able to do that. But I find this strange that your thoughts are for everyone to hear but your memories are closed off.'

'Yes Saphira, that is strange also he was able to breaks though all of the shield we put up in our minds even though Arya's,' said Eragon.

'How can I stop it? I don't want everyone to hear my thoughts,' I asked.

Saphira was the one to my rescue, 'Think of a wall of some kind, something that no one can brake though."

The first thought that came to me that reminded me of a shield was the camp boundaries. I focused on Thalia's tree, the golden fleece and the dragon Peleus.

"Percy we wont be able to hear you talk if you have you guard up all the time, focus on who you want to hear you," shouted Eragon.

I did what he said and only opened my mind to Eragon and Sapphira. They were the only people (and dragon in this case) that I trusted.

Suddenly I felt a small pressure on my mind. It wasn't causing me any pain, it felt like an itch that I couldn't scratch.  It was starting to get annoying so I pushed it away. Below me, an elf griped her head and yelped in pain. I opened my mind to her.

'Are you ok?' I asked.

'I am fine noble dragon, you just put a bit too much force when you pushed me out of your mind. May I asked how have you put up such a strong barrier?' said the elf.

'I'm sorry I can't tell you, I must keep that private,' I told her.

I must keep camp and my demigod life a secret. The Fates didn't say that I have to keep it a secret but I have a feeling that they want me to. Besides, I'm not going to give away my home and safe haven to bunch of people (some you can't even call that) that I just met.

'I understand. I'm Ayra by the way,' the elf now named Ayra introduced.

'My name is Percy but I guess you already knew that since I said a couple of seconds ago,' I said nervously.

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