Chapter 6

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Pov y/n

Wanda and I made a toast and clinked our glasses together. We had an amazing night and kissed a little bit. It's been a few days since that night and I've been wanting to see her. So that's what I'm going to do. 

I asked her for her work address so I could pick her up for lunch but the surprise is that I'm bringing lunch and we get to spend time together. I'm hoping I get to see her working a little because her yelling at people to do their job right or getting her clients to agree with her just makes this burning feeling in my stomach.
It's almost lunch time so I grabbed Wanda's favorite at her favorite place as well. Guess I wanted to spoil her a little. 

I start driving to the address she gave me and I can feel myself getting nervous, my palms are starting to sweat and my heart is racing. I take some deep breaths and try to calm myself down by thinking of all the amazing time we spent together. I just hope everything goes to plan and I can get more kisses because god can she kiss so damn good.
If I don't I'm going to give her puppy eyes and pout hoping she can't say no to that. I chuckle to myself thinking that I'm becoming so attached so quickly wanting kisses and to be around her so much after so little time to know her.
It honestly feels like we've known each other our whole lives but got separated for a long while and just got back to seeing each other like nothing even happened.

After about twenty minutes of driving, I make it to Wanda's workplace and see her standing outside on her phone. I smile and decide to park the car, hoping she doesn't see me so I can scare her. I park the car and look to see Wanda in the same place. I smile and then hear my phone ding telling me I have a message. I look at it and my smile grows when I see it's from Wanda.

Hey baby, I'm waiting outside so when you get here just beep and I'll come  to the car.

I shake my head lightly and message back,  I'm running a bit late. I'll be there in like five minutes, I know you like candy crush so play that while you wait.  

I look up when I send the message and see Wanda looking at her phone with a smile and shaking her head lightly. I wait to see if she looks up but she doesn't, which helps me. I grab the food and get out of the car and lock it. I walk towards Wanda but a little away from her so if she does look up she won't notice me right away. I manage to get near her and I yell out, "BOO!"

I watch as she jumps and turns to look at me with a glare. I smile sheepishly and say, "I'm sorry baby, I couldn't resist it. I brought lunch so we can stay here and I'll be good from here on out I promise. Just don't kill me." I back away slowly as she takes a few steps towards me. 

I go to run when she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her. I laugh and keep repeating myself, "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry"! I look at her and see her with a smirk and decide to do my puppy eyes now. I form a pout with my lips and whisper, "kiss please?" 

I watch as a soft smile appears and she leans in to give me a kiss when it gets interrupted by someone beeping their car horn from the busy street nearby. We both jump and look at each other before laughing softly.
I smile and say, "Can we head inside? I want to see where you work." I give her puppy eyes and see her smile grow with a small nose scrunch which makes me think, it's my mission to get as many smiles and nose scrunches as I can.

She nods her head and says, "okay baby, follow me." I nod and follow her inside, she leads me to the front desk so I can sign in as a visitor when I kinda notice the guy at the desk looking at me and afterwards Wanda grabs my hand and has a scowl on her face. I frown and say, "what's the scowl for?"
Wanda looks at me and I watch as her face softens and she sighs saying, "He was looking at your chest and it made me upset that he was looking at you like an object and not as a beautiful woman." 

I smile and say, "I don't care about anyone else. Only you right now, Wanda. But thank you for the subtle compliment." I lean in wanting to get my kiss when the elevator opens on Wanda's floor. I start mumbling under my breath at how the universe doesn't want me to have my kiss. I hear Wanda chuckle at me and pout more. "Meanie." I say as she pulls me into her office, shutting the door. 

I look up when I feel my body being pressed against the door and her lips on mine. I kiss back and moan lightly not expecting it to be this heated. I feel her lick my bottom lip asking for entrance but I decide to disobey and I feel her grip on my hips tighten which makes me gasp and she now has her opening.
She shoves her tongue in and immediately gains control of the kiss which I don't mind. She then slows the kiss down knowing we need to breathe and leans her forehead on mine. I'm panting for breaths with my eyes closed savoring what just happened.
That's what I've missed over the last few days. I've wanted to feel that and only feel that from her. She softly brushes her nose with mine making my smile grow and I open my eyes.

"Hmm hi" I say with blush rising to my cheeks as I shy away. She smiles and kisses my lips more softly. 

"Hi baby. We should eat now." She pulls away from me and grabs the bag that was somehow still in my hands and walks to her desk and starts to grab the food. I stay by the door somewhat shocked that she could just walk away like that. After a few seconds she turns to look at me and sees the state of bewilderment on my face and chuckles to herself. "Come sit baby, we can kiss more after we eat if you'd like but come eat."

I nod my head and walk towards her and say with a little smirk, "I will if you give me another kiss."
I watch as she raises an eyebrow and looks at me with a somewhat stern look to try and make me obey her but I'm not going to. I want to see how far I can take it. She notices that I'm not going to back down so she steps towards me and gently wraps her hand around my neck which makes me bite my lips, liking this. I moan when I feel her lightly squeeze my neck and see her smirk. 

"Here's what's going to happen sweetheart, you are going to be a good girl and sit, so we can eat and enjoy each other's presence. If you don't then I guess I'll pack your food and send you on your way." I pout at that and say, "No, I'll be good. I'm sorry." 

I see her smile and nod her head. I move to sit in the chair that's in front of her desk and watch as she finishes taking the food out of the bag. I grab my food that she hands to me and she sits in the chair right next to me. I smile and say, "How's work going? You never talk about it and I'm interested in what you actually do." 

She looks up and says, "There's nothing to talk about. It's just work babe." I sigh and go to say something else when someone comes in and looks confused on why we're here. I then see something red from Wanda and the person leaves. I furrow my eyebrows a bit confused on what I just saw and Wanda looks at me with a smile before we continue eating. 

I look at Wanda and say, "Why don't you talk about your job? I mean I want to know what you do and I'd like to see you in action babe." 

I feel Wanda's hand on my thigh and look at her hand. I bite my lip as I watch and feel her hand slowly moving up. I quickly glance at her before looking at her hand again. 

"Fuck, Wanda please".
My hands grip onto the seat as I close my eyes. "Please, I need you Wanda."

A/n: A little cliffhanger ;) 

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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