Chapter 1-New Friends

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Author's Note:Hello tmntnerd14 here. Just saying this is my first story so don't freak out if it's horrible. Suggestions are very helpful. Thanks for reading!

(Your P.O.V.)

It was a cool July night in New York and you had just got off of work. You lived halfway across town and didn't feel like going home just yet. You decided to go to Central Park for awhile. You'd have to go through all the alleys since some of the main roads have been blocked of due to the parade tomorrow but you didn't mind. You started walking toward the park when all off the sudden some Purple Dragons blocked your path. They had their leader Hun with them. You had a past with Hun that made you scarred for life.

You were eight years old and you were on you way home from a sleepover with your friend (y/f/n). When you were a couple of blocks away you could smell smoke. You didn't worry too much about it until you saw it was your house that was on fire. The Purple Dragons were there along with Hun. He wasn't leader at the time because of his age but he was still in charge. "Hey boss ain't this the kid that lives here?" Asked one of his thugs. "Who cares as long as she stays out of our way."
You ran away to your uncles because he was the only family you had left besides your Aunt and cousin Casey but they lived out of town. Your uncle wouldn't be around part of the time because he was a martial arts teacher. So instead of sitting around all day you joined his dojo. He taught you mute and more everyday. You vowed one day you'd take down the Purple Dragons and today was it.

"Alright girly give us the money and you won't get hurt too much at least." Huns men started to surround you but you weren't afraid. "So what's it gonna be?" You answered by kicking one of the Purple Dragons in the face. "So be it." The Purple Dragons started to attack you but they were no match. You took them down in under five minutes.

Hun then decided it was his turn. You got in a couple punches before he slammed you against the wall. The back of your head started to bleed. "Now you're in for it." Hun started to hit your gut until you spat up blood then he was pulled away. You began to blackout but saw four figures beating up Hun. "Raph grab her and lets get out of here!" One of the figures yelled.

Someone picked you up but he wasn't really a person more like a giant turtle. "You're... you're...a turtle." That was the last thing you said before blacking out most of the way. You could still hear what they were saying. "So what are we gonna do with her?" Asked the one holding you. He had a thick Brooklyn accent. "Can we keep her Leo? Please!?" This guy seemed a little bit excited. "Mikey we aren't gonna keep her. Donnie what do you suggest we do?" You guessed this was Leo and the next one to talk would probably be Donnie. "We need to take her to the lair so I can check if she has any major injuries." That was the last thing you heard before completely blacking out.

(Raph's P.O.V.)

My brothers and I were hopping from roof to roof when we heard Hun and the Purple Dragons attacking yet another person. "Alright guys here's the..." Leo was cut of by the sound of the Purple Dragons being beat up. "Ok um never mind then." Leo finished. We were all shocked by the strength of this girl. After a bit she beat all the Purple Dragons but then Hun attacked her. He had get pinned up against the wall until my brothers and I saved the day as usual.

"You're... you're...a turtle." Was the last thing she said before passing out in my arms. There was something about her that made me worry about her. "What are we gonna do with her?" I asked. "Can we keep her Leo? Please!?" Mikey's questions are so stupid. Leo rolled his eyes. "Mikey we aren't gonna keep her. Donnie what do you suggest we do?" "We need to take her to the lair so I can check if she has any major injuries."

We went down the manhole and to the lair. I might have accidentally dropped the girl once. Donnie got mad at me. "Raphael she's already in pain there's no need to put her in anymore!" When we entered the lair Master Splinter was sitting on the couch watching his shows. "Welcome home my sons. I see that we have company." He gestured toward the girl in my arms. Leo of course being Master Splinter's pet answered right away. "She was attacked by Hun and some Purple Dragons so we brought her home so Don could check her over." "Alright just be quiet my soaps are not yet over."

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