Chapter 6- Jealousy and Chaos

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(Raph's P.O.V.)

"Alright guys lets go." Leo said. We were heading out on patrol. The roof tops were quiet and so were the alleys. "Leo something's off." I said worried. "I know." Just then Hun came into the alley as were in. "Well well if it ain't the freaks." Hun said cracking his knuckles. "Hun." I growled. "Down turtle. I just came to give some information on a little dog friend of yours. Then again I doubt you'd remember her." "(y/n)" I whispered. The others look confused.

"Where is she?" I asked tightening my grip on my Sais. "Well one of you remembers. She's in New Jersey for now. I have a feeling she'll be back soon though and when she does... I'll be ready." With that Hun left. "Raph what's he talking about?" Mikey asked. "(y/n)." "Who?" "(y/n)!" Donnie whispered something into Mikey's ear. "Oh thats right Raph's girlfriend." I wasn't paying attention to Mikey. I went back to the lair to talk to Sensei.

"Master Splinter it's (y/n). She might be coming back." I told him excitedly. "And where did you get this information?" "Hun told... me. Oh how could I be so stupid. He's probably lying to me." "My son if this information is true we will welcome (y/n) back here with open arms, but if it is not... you will suffer the loss over again." "What do you mean?" "Well my son. When you lost (y/n) you shut down for a long time until you forgot about her. Now that she has resurfaced you feel the need for her again but if you don't see her it will be like losing her all over again." "Hai Sensei." I left to join my brothers back on patrol.

When I found them they were fighting some girl. She had a little boy with her. He was fighting with a bow and arrow. The girl was fighting with a Shirasaya blade. I jumped in when she almost hit Mikey. "Guys it's me!" She said. I didn't understand. Who was she? "Raph it's me (y/n)!" I pulled back and the girl fell on top of me. "(y/n)? Is it really you?" "What do you think? I have a tail and ears." She took off her suit to reveal her regular clothes. (y/n) took the face mask off to. She smiled and I ran and hugged her. "I missed you." "I missed you to Raph."

"(y/n) why is the turtle hugging you!?" The kid had his arrows pointed at my head. "Tommy it's ok! Raph this is Tommy. Tommy this is Raph and his brothers Leo, Donnie, and Mikey." (y/n) told the kid. "Oh hi turtles." The kid just went from I'm about to kill you to being like Mikey. He's kind of creeping me out. "So (y/n) what's up with the kid?" Mikey asked. "I met Tommy while I was in New Jersey. He's like a little brother to me." I took (y/n)'s hand and led her away from the others.

"(y/n)... I've missed you so much." I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back. Turns out the kid was watching. "(y/n)!" The little kid tackled me to the ground and put an arrow to my face. "Tommy! What are you doing!?" (y/n) pulled Tommy off of me. "Raph I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into him." "It's fine. Come on its almost sunrise. Let's go to the lair."

(Your P.O.V.)

"Welcome back (y/n)." Said Master Splinter. You approached him with a question. "Hi Master Splinter. I was wondering could I stay with you guys?" "Yes you may and so can your little companion." "Thank you Sensei." You went out to the living area to see Raph and Tommy wrestling.

"You need to quit getting all up on (y/n)!" Tommy yelled under Raph. "Why? I like her and that's that's!" Raph yelled back. "Because she's like my big sister and I'm supposed to protect her from boys!" "I thought that was Casey's job!" "Well I don't know who Casey is so it's my job!" Then Tommy pushed Raphael off of him then kicked him so he flew into Leo.

"Tommy! What are you doing!?" You yelled scolding him. "He said he was gonna take you out on a date and I don't want to lose you to him. If I lose you...I won't have anybody." He started to cry. "Tommy it's ok. I'll always be here for you ok. You need to quit beating up Raph. Ok?" "Ok." Tommy smiled and went to play video games with Mikey.

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