Chapter 5-Tommy

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(Three Weeks Later)

You decided to stay in New Jersey for awhile. One night you were riding your bike down the street and a little boy jumped out in front of you. You slammed on the breaks. "Hey kid watch where you're going!" You yelled. The kid ran over to you. "Please help me. I don't know what to do. There were these men and they came to my house and took my parents away." You felt bad for the kid and decided to help. Then you realized he didn't know what you looked like. "It's alright I'll help you don't worry."

He looked up at you like you were his hero. "Thank you." He got on the back of your bike and saw your tail. "I like your tail. Do you have ears to?" You took your helmet off and gave it to him. "Cool. So you're like part wolf?" You laughed. "Yeah." You started the bike and took off to the warehouse you'd been staying at.

"Alright we're here. Now can I ask you some questions?" You asked. The kid nodded. "So first of all what's your name?" "I'm Thomas but you can call me Tommy. I'm ten years old. What's your name?" "I'm (y/n). I'm (y/a) years old. So Tommy what exactly happened with your parents?" "Well my parents were watching a movie and I was doing the dishes when all of the sudden some men burst through our door. They demanded some money my parents owed them but they didn't have the money yet. I escaped out of the fire escape but my parents were taken away. I ran and that's when I found you."

"I'm sorry Tommy." You said. "Oh it's ok. Where's your parents?" "My parents?" "Yeah." "They... they were killed when I was eight." A look of horror showed on Tommy's face. "I'm sorry (y/n)." "It's fine. You should get some sleep. There's a mattress over there with a pillow and blanket that you can use." "What about you?" "Don't worry I'm gonna stay awake for awhile yet." "Ok goodnight (y/n)." "Goodnight Tommy." "Wait (y/n) I have one more question. Why do you have wolf ears and a tail?" "Well you see Tommy when I was in New York there was a man named Agent Bishop. He took me to a place called Area 51. Then he injected me with some stuff called mutagen. It turned me into what I am now a freak." "I don't think you're a freak (y/n)."

Tommy went to sleep and you went outside and up to the roof tops. "Tommy... you have no idea what you've gotten yourself tangled in. You've just entered a world of chaos." You laughed. "But then again it'll be nice to have a friend while I'm here in New Jersey." You sat on the roofs for a bit and then went inside. You saw Tommy sleeping and snoring. He reminded you of Raphael in that way. You missed Raph but knew you couldn't go back yet.

You missed them all. Even Mikey with all of his obnoxious pranks. You decided to go to bed. You had a nightmare about Agent Bishop finding you. "No!" You yelled waking up Tommy. "(y/n) are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." "Do you wanna talk about it?" "It was about Agent Bishop but it didn't matter. Kid you're real sweet. Anybody tell you that before?" "No. I was always pushed to the side and treated like dirt. Nobody ever let me do anything so they never got to see what I could really do."

"Well don't worry about that when you're with me. Just be yourself. Hey do you wanna do something fun?" You asked with a smirk on your face. "Sure?" Tommy asked. This made you laugh. "Come on." You took his hand and led him up a fire escape to the roof. "What are we doing up here?" Asked Tommy. "I'm gonna teach you ninjutsu." "Really!?" "Yes."

You began to teach Tommy the basics. He did alright considering it was his first try. Then you got to jumping roof tops. "It's ok Tommy just jump you'll make it. I promise." He jumped and barely made it. "I did it!" You laughed at him. He was like Mikey in a way. Actually he was like all the turtles. The days went by and turned into weeks. Tommy got better every day. "Hey (y/n) when do I get a weapon?" You hadn't thought about that before. You yourself didn't have a weapon. "Well I suppose we could both get weapons tomorrow." "Oh yeah! I want a bow and arrow!" "Alright." "What are you gonna get?" "I don't know. I might get a Shirasaya or maybe a Tanto."

The next day you put on a hoodie which hid your ears but your tail was another story. You decided to tuck your tail in the back if your hoodie and hopefully it wouldn't fall out. "Ok Tommy lets go." "(y/n) why do you hide your ears and your tail?" Tommy asked. "Well you see Tommy the world is a place where if you have one thing wrong with you it takes that and turns out into a big deal." "Oh."

You both headed out for the weapons store. You were greeted by a man with tattoos all over. One of them happened to be a purple dragon. "Buy something or get out." He snarled. "Actually were looking for a bow and arrow. Also a Shirasaya with a Tanto attachment." The man went to the back room and got the weapons. The bow was decorated with fire spiralling up the handle. The Shirasaya was decorated with a red line on the edge of the blade. "That'll be eighty dollars miss." You handed the man the money, grabbed the weapons, and got out of there. Your tail popped out just as you were walking out. The man didn't think much of it but then he remembered. Hun was Looking for some chick with a tail.

He gave Hun a call. "Yo boss I think I found that chick you were looking for. She came into my store with some little kid and bought a bow and arrow and a Shirasaya with a Tanto attachment." Hun chuckled at this information. "So the dog has a new friend. I doubt she'll be able to stay away from those freak friends of hers much longer." With that he hung up and prepared for your return.

"You'll have to train yourself Tommy. I was never good with a bow and arrow. Besides I need to teach myself as well." You told Tommy. He looked a little upset but nodded. You both got to work. The weeks turned into months and you knew you had to go back to New York. You couldn't bare being away from the turtles for any longer. "Tommy I need to leave to New York. Do you want to come with?"

Tommy hesitated but said yes. You dressed in a ninja suit with a face mask. You couldn't let anyone see you. Although your tail would be visible you didn't think anyone would remember. The first thing you planned to do was find Casey and tell him you came back. That way he could bring you to the turtles. You and Tommy got on your bike and took a long journey back to New York.

"(y/n) how much longer!" Tommy yelled over the roaring of the engine. "It'll be another couple of hours!" He whined. You laughed at him. "Don't you like riding motorcycles!" "This is my first time!" "Well then we gotta have some fun!" You popped a wheelie and went on some back roads. After a while you pulled over. "So?" "That... was...amazing." You laughed then got back on course to New York.

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