Chapter 8- Weaknesses

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(Your P.O.V.)

The first thing you did when you got back to the lair was go and check on Casey. He was still passed out. "It's gonna be ok (y/n). Casey's tough. He'll make it through this." Said Leo attempting to comfort you. "And what if he doesn't!? Then it's gonna be my fault!" You ran to your room and slammed the door. "This is all my fault." You whispered.

"(y/n)? It's me Tommy. Can I come in?" Tommy asked. "Go away Tommy." You said not trying to hurt his feelings. "I'm coming in anyways. (y/n) like Leo said it's gonna be alright. I haven't known Casey for that long but I know he's special to you. Just like you're special to me. You're like my big sister (y/n) and I don't like to see you sad but I know I'd be feeling the same if anything were to happen to you." Tommy came over to you and held your hand. "It'll be ok (y/n). I know it will. Oh and Donnie told me to bring you these." Tommy gave you some bandages and with that he left. "I hope your right Tommy." You said as wrapped your hand and laid down to fall asleep.

(Raph's P.O.V.)

"Hey Raph." Said Tommy walking up to me."How's Mikey doing?" Wow the kid's actually talking to me instead of trying to beat me up. "Raph?" "Oh sorry, Mikey will be fine." "Alright thanks." Then Tommy walked away. "Strange kid."

(Three Days Later)

It's been three days and (y/n) hasn't come out of her room much. Casey seems to be doing better. At least by Donnie's calculations he is. "R-raph." I looked over to see Casey sitting up. "Casey! You're alright!" I gave Casey a hug and he winced. "Sorry about that." "It's fine and why wouldn't I be alright this is Casey Jones were talking about." "I'll go get (y/n) and the others." I got up to leave but then Casey grabbed my shoulder. "Just get (y/n) for now. I need to talk to her alone."

I nodded and went to get (y/n). "(y/n) it's Raph. I need to show you something." (y/n) came and unlocked the door. "What?" She said peeking her head out a bit. "Come on." I grabbed her hand and drug her into Donnie's lab.

(Your P.O.V.)

Raph pulled you into Donnie's lab. You see Casey sitting up and awake. "Casey. Casey!" You ran to him and gave him a big hug and started to cry. "I thought I lost you Casey. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I never should've left your side. I'm sorry." "(y/n) it's ok. You've said sorry too many times. There was nothing you could've done. I'm alright now and that's all that matters." Casey said wiping the tears from your face.

Everyone came rushing in when they heard you yelling. "Casey!" April, Mikey, Don, and Leo yelled at the same time. They ran over and crowded him. Tommy walked over to Casey. "Casey I know that you're important to (y/n). Your like her big brother. I'm glad your ok Casey. You make (y/n) part of who she is. Thank you." Master Splinter came over to. "I'm glad to see you are alright Mr.Jones. And yes Tommy is right (y/n) hasn't been the same without you."

You all talked with Casey but you stayed by his side. You helped him if he needed anything or if he wanted to walk around. "Come on guys let's go." Leo said leading the others out of the lair. You thought about it and maybe Tommy would like to go with the turtles. "Hey Leo! Take Tommy with you!" He turned around. "Are you sure (y/n)?" "Yes I'm sure. He's been cooped up in the sewers for too long." "Alright. Come on Tommy."

Tommy followed the turtles so it was just you Casey and April. "I'm gonna go um do something in my room. I'll be there if you guys need me." You said getting up and going to your room. Casey and April needed there alone time. "Alright see you later (y/n)." April said knowing exactly what you were doing. You poked your head out of your room for a sec to see April put a movie in and cuddle with Casey. "Am I good or what?" You asked yourself smirking.

(Raph's P.O.V.)

"Tommy stay close to us ok?" Leo said to Tommy. "Leo I'm pretty sure he can handle himself. After all he did beat up Raph." Mikey said smiling. "Yeah yeah I know it's just I don't want anything to happen to him. (y/n) would probably crack our shells." I hit both of them on their heads. "Mikey I swear if you bring up the kid beating me up again I'll beat you up. Leo (y/n) wouldn't have sent him with its if she didn't trust us so quit so much." "Yeah your right Raph we should just chill and...hey guys look." Leo pointed to some Purple Dragons.

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