Chapter 4- Saying Goodbye For Now

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Emotional!?" You yelled storming out if Donnie's lab. You hoped it would be night out so you could bash some Purple Dragons or something. You needed something to punch and the training dummy wasn't gonna cut it and You were planning on leaving town for awhile. You went out of the sewers and on to the roof tops. That's when you heard a fight break lose. You ran towards it to find Casey beating some Purple Dragons.

You decided to get in on the action but remembered Casey hadn't seen you for awhile. The last time he saw you was when you were still human. "Guess now is as good a time as any." You said going into the alley. Casey had already pummeled the Purple Dragons so it was just you and him.

"Well it looks like I missed one." Casey said walking towards you with a hockey stick. You stepped into the light of a street lamp so he could see you better. "(y/n)? Is that you? What happened? Why are you a...a..." "Why am I a freak? Well it's all Bishop's fault. I figured I'd come say goodbye before I leave the city for awhile. I didn't tell the turtles or Master Splinter because I knew it would put them in danger. I also didn't tell April so could you tell them after I leave town?" Casey was shocked at what you said. "(y/n) why are you leaving? You can't I won't let you!" "I'm leaving because I put everyone in danger and I will be leaving one way or another so don't try and stop me."

You began to walk away but Casey grabbed your hand. "At least tell Raph in person or even over the phone. I know he'd rather hear it from you than from me." Then Casey left presumably to the lair. You went to your apartment to get your motorcycle. Before you left you called Raphael. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Raph it's (y/n). I called to tell you I'm going away for awhile." "What? No you can't leave. Why?" Raph sounded like he was about to cry and so were you. "I'm leaving because... because...I love you Raphael." With that you hung up, put your helmet on, and started to leave town.

(Raph's P.O.V.)

(y/n) and I were on the phone. She was talking about leaving. "I'm leaving because...because...I love you Raphael." She hung up. "(y/n)! (y/n)! I love you too." (y/n) was gone and I would probably never see her again. I went to my room and cried for awhile till I heard Mikey. It's his fault she's gone. I went up to him and slammed him against the wall.

"It's your fault Mikey!" I yelled as Casey entered. "What are you talking about Raph?" "If it wasn't for you taking that picture (y/n) wouldn't be gone!" "Yo Raph chill out! It was (y/n)'s decision to leave!" Casey pried me off of Mikey but I still tried to tackle him. Casey was too strong and I couldn't get out of his grip. "It's Mikey's fault! He made (y/n) mad!" "No Raph she left because she felt she was a danger to all of you!" I stopped struggling after Casey said that. I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

Casey let go of me and I sunk to the floor. "She thought she was putting all of you guys in danger by staying here so she left for awhile. She'll come back though." I left on my bike and thought about (y/n) and once i got it to the streets that's when I heard the roar of a motorcycle. It was close by so I thought I'd go check it out.

It think it's (y/n) but I can't tell. The person is wearing their helmet. I decided to follow them. I hope it's (y/n) I ready need to talk to her. I caught up to the person and they looked at me. I could barely see through the visor but I could tell it was (y/n). She sped up and so did I. I made sure I stayed as close to her as I could. I didn't say anything because I knew it would only upset her more. We drove to a cliff that overlooked the city.

I took my helmet off but (y/n) kept hers on. "What are you doing Raph?" She asked her voice a bit muffled from the helmet. "I came because I needed to talk to you." "There's nothing to talk about." "Yes there is. You aren't dangerous (y/n). It's just the mutagen. At least that's what Don said." (y/n) laughed at this. "That's not it. Well not all of it. It's the fact that Bishop will keep looking for me and as long as he's looking for me... he'll find you. I can't have that happening again. Goodbye Raphael."

(y/n) hopped on her bike but I held onto the handle bars. "Raph let go." (y/n) tried to pull my hands of but I wasn't budging. "No I'm not letting you go. (y/n) my life has changed so much since I've met you and I'm not willing to let you go." "Raph I can't stay here." "Yes you can. You can stay with me and my brothers. Please don't go." "I have to." I knew I couldn't convince her so I let her go. (y/n) drove off. "I love you (y/n) and I'll never stop!" She left me.

I went back to the lair and didn't talk to anyone. They tried to talk to me but I shut them out and went to my room. Someone knocked on the door. "Go away." I said. The door opened anyways. "Raphael my son. What is causing you so much trouble?" "Sensei I... it's just... she." I couldn't finish and began to cry. "My son it will be alright. (y/n)'s intentions were not to hurt you but to save you." "But Sensei... we could've helped her." "Yes my son we could have but she did not want our help. It was her decision and if she feels she belongs here she will come back."

Then Sensei left. I couldn't help but think about (y/n). What if she had stayed here or what if Bishop never mutated her? Would she still be here? "Why?" I asked myself. I didn't answer because I didn't hold the answers. (y/n) did.

(Your P.O.V.)

You were leaving town but Raph followed you. So you stopped at a cliff. He was trying to convince you to stay. "Raph I can't stay here." "Yes you can. You can stay with me and my brothers. Please don't go." "I have to." With that you left but you heard him yelling in the distance. "I love you (y/n) and I'll never stop!" You began to cry. "I love you too. I'll be back don't worry." With that you left off to a new life until you were ready to return to New York. "Someday."

You didn't know where you were going or what you were doing. You just needed to stay away for awhile. Maybe a year or two so everyone would forget about you before you came back. It would probably be really hard for Raph though.

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