Chapter 3-Mutated Love

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(Your P.O.V.)

Being strapped to an experiment table wasn't on your list for today but you'd do anything to save your friends. You cared to much. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? I'm sure the turtles will be here any moment know." You nodded slowly answering Bishops question.

He injected some green slime substance into you. You didn't feel a change for awhile but when you did it hurt like hell. The last thing you saw and heard before blacking out was Raphael running through the door and screaming your name.

(Raph's P.O.V.)

"(y/n)!" I yelled seeing her black out and change form. "What did you do to her!?" I attacked Bishop but he was to quick dodging my every move. "You mean what did she do to herself. Well I'll tell you. You see she didn't want to see you turtles being cut open so she let me mutate her so instead you four can watch her be cut open." The others came into the room. They tried to help me attack Bishop but none of us could focus. We were to worried about (y/n) especially me.

I finally decided to go and grab (y/n) and get out of here. My brothers and Casey followed my lead and Bishop wasn't happy. "You accursed turtles! I will find you!" We got to the Battle Shell and left. "Do you think she'll be
ok Don?" Asked Leo. He knew I wanted to ask but couldn't. "She should be but I'm not sure what affects her mutation will have since she was a human. We were already animals but she transformed into one."

I carried (y/n) into Donnie's lab. "Don't crowd her guys she can still breath and needs some air." Donnie said. My brothers, April, Casey, and Master Splinter backed off but I stayed by (y/n)'s side. Don was about to tell me to back off to until Master Splinter stopped him. They all left the room so I was alone with (y/n). "I'm sorry (y/n). I should've stopped him but I was too late. I'm sorry." Sooner or later I fell asleep on the floor next to (y/n).

I woke up still on the floor by (y/n). I stood up and looked down at her. She looked different... way different. "Don!" I yelled and Donnie ran into the room. "What is it? Did (y/n) wake up?" "No but she... she..." I gestured to her and Don's mouth hung open. The others came running into the room. "What's up with (y/n)? She looks like she's part dog." Mikey started playing with (y/n)'s tail. "Actually Mikey you aren't too far off. It seems (y/n) has mutated into a human wolf hybrid. She is now part wolf.

(Your P.O.V.)

You woke up with everyone staring at you. "What are you all looking at? Where's Casey and April?" Donatello handed you a mirror and what you saw freaked you out. "I'm... I'm... I'm a...wolf?" "Well sort of. There wasn't enough mutagen in your blood stream to completely turn you so you are now a human wolf hybrid. Oh and Casey and April went home for a bit." Donnie's smarts weren't helping at the moment. You couldn't believe it you were an animal...a freak.

You ran away to the nearest manhole and you could hear someone following you. You didn't care and went topside. Lucky for you it was nighttime. You went up to the rooftops and sat down to think about your new appearance. All of the sudden you heard someone coming up from behind you. They were about twenty feet away. You jumped up and growled at them. It was Raphael.

You stopped growling and sat back down and began to cry. Raphael came over and sat down by you. "It's gonna be ok (y/n). It's not that bad you know being a mutant." You stopped crying and stood up. "Easy for you to say. That's how you've lived your whole life. Only coming up here at night, not being able to talk to anyone, or even walk the streets without people being afraid of you. I just got my whole life taken away from me." Raphael was standing to now. "You didn't get everything taken away from you." You looked at him puzzled but that looked faded away as he pulled you in for a kiss.

The memory of your first kiss flooded back. This one was a lot better. Your lips stayed together until you heard laughing from behind you. "Well if it isn't two little freaks falling in love." It was Hun and some Foot Ninjas. You began to growl as Raph took out his Sais. "Bad dog. You know what happens to bad dogs right?" Hun had an electric collar which made you scared. He was threatening you with something made for an animal.

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