Chapter 10- Waiting For Someday

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(Raph's P.O.V.)

After talking to Master Splinter I went to find (y/n). I couldn't though. "Guys I think (y/n) went topside." The others got up off the couch and we went to look for (y/n). When we got to the surface we heard screaming. "Stay away from me! Raph, Leo, Mikey, Donnie help!" It was (y/n).

I ran to help her but she wasn't there. It was just Agent Bishop and a... wolf. "Where's (y/n)!?" I yelled as my brothers caught up with me. "She's right in front of you Raphael." He gestured toward the wolf. Those eyes. They were (y/n)'s. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I was furious. "What'd you do to her!?" Bishop laughed. "I edited the mutagen in order to make her a full on animal."

I went to attack him but he kept dodging my moves. (y/n) began to growl. My brothers tried to help me but Bishop was to fast. Then (y/n) attacked him. She bit his upper arm and clawed his face until he slammed her against the wall. "Stupid dog. Either way my work is done for now. I'll be back for you turtles." Bishop left and I ran to (y/n).

"(y/n). What... how... it's not possible." She was a wolf. She could remember things like me and my brothers and how Bishop was evil but she was a wolf. She wouldn't be safe in New York City. "Guys we need to do something about (y/n). She can't stay here." "Why not?" Mikey asked. "Because New York City is too dangerous for her." "Why?" "Just because it is." (y/n) could understand what we were saying I could tell.

She came up to me and licked my face. I have her a light kiss on the forehead. After a bit we took (y/n) to the woods away from New York City. I gave her a hug and whispered in her ear. "(y/n) I'll never forget you. You will never be replaced... ever. I will always love you and someday we'll get you back to the way you used to be. I promise (y/n)." (y/n) ran into the woods and I could hear her howling at the moon. "Someday."
I came out every night to hear (y/n) howling. She always did. Casey would come with me. The others would sometimes too. Casey was crushed when he heard what happened to (y/n). He wanted to kill somebody but die himself at the same time. I'll never forget (y/n). Her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) and her gorgeous smile. Her amazing (e/c) eyes that never stopped sparkling.

I'll never forget the first time we met. I held her in my arms after she had been attacked by Hun and the Purple Dragons. She was about to blackout. She said one thing and I'll remember it forever. "You're... you're...a turtle." I sighed remembering that. "Yep (y/n) I'm a turtle. A turtle that fell in love with you. A turtle that'll never be the same without you."

"What was that Raph?" Casey asked. "Just remembering the first time I met (y/n)." Then I heard a howl and knew it was her. I sighed looking up at the moon. "We'll bring her back someday Raph. Donnie is working on a retro mutagen right now. It'll be ok I know it's hard. I miss her to." "I know it's just that someday could be tomorrow or it could be in ten years. I don't think I can wait." "I don't either Raph but we have to." "I know I know I just wish we didn't."

(Your P.O.V.)

You lost everything even your humanity. You could still think and hear things but you couldn't answer back. It was like living in a world of action without you doing any of it yourself. You wished you could be back in the city with everyone but Raph was right. It wasn't safe for you for many reasons. Someday he said. Someday you'll be able to go back and be with them. Be with him. Someday could be so far away though. You thought to yourself. I remember the first time I met Raph. The first thing I said to him. "You're... you're...a turtle." Yep he was a turtle. A turtle you feel madly in love with and you'll never be the same without him.

You missed them all. Master Splinter, April, Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and Casey. Casey...I hope he didn't take the news to badly. You remembered all of the fun times you had with Casey as kids. It seemed like it was just yesterday. Missing the others wasn't as bad as missing Casey. You two had been through a lot together. Now you may never see him or the others again.

You stopped by a pond to look at your reflection. You were like this because of Bishop. It was his fault. What did he even want with you? You swore that the first chance you got Bishop would be a dead man. You had a lot of visits to pay when you got back but Bishop was first on your list. He would pay for tearing you away from your friends and so would everyone else that came between you and them in the slightest.

You howled at the moon every night as to let them know that you were still there. Still in the woods waiting for the someday. The someday Raph promised you. The someday that you hoped would come soon. The someday you couldn't wait for. And when that someday comes you'll be ready. Ready to return home.

                       The End

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