one - let the games begin

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There was no such thing as silence.

Sure, the synoyms existed: peace, lull, still, hush-hush; but silence, definitely not. The sharp breeze blew harshly against my skin, while chirps filled the distance of my walk. Songs blasted around me. Radios and speakers were everywhere, and I was part of the cause, specifically, the palpable sounds eminating from my house. 

I had sighed, rushing to the shut the front door behind me as I entered, taking the only pause of air I've managed to sneak in today. Sometimes I simply needed a break from the everlasting list of chores and unidentifiable sounds being made from our household. 

There was only one reason I had even considered the naive decision: I'm sick and tired. Of this, that, everything, really. I've given up on routines, the daily acts we brace ourselves for in order to survive. A spontaneous, extroverted girl like myself wished for something else. Something more. And the letter with 'SELECTION' embossed in golden calligraphy gave me just that.  

A leeway to slip through.

It had all started today, the day my mother decided to reapply our cable plans for the first time in four months. It wasn't that we couldn't afford it, it was simply because we didn't need it. Somehow, all the excitement caused by the highly anticipated Selection had her racing back to call back our administrator, resulting in the continuous loop of a haphazard lifestyle I seem to carry on my shoulders.

But today was different. Today was the day it all changed. 

The network had started normally, but the second the hour hand of the clock struck noon, the advertisements poured in, including a thirty-second excerpt pronouncing the initiation of our tradition: The Selection. 

This was where I found myself now. Selina, my sister nudged me softly to continue setting the table causing me to momentarily tear my eyes away from the television. 

As far as she was concerned, I'd rather do anything than enter the portentous palace, but to the contrary, I had outgrown my need to strain my vocal chords any more than I already have and would much rather be wasting my time being pampered and prepped.

We were a humble family of five: Selina, a year older, and Sarah, two years younger. Three daughters, two of whom were eligible. 

"It's coming on!" My mother squealed in her stereotypical Carolina accent. We didn't have an accent, that was for sure, but she liked to enunciate the southern parts of her voice, in true mom-joke fashion. It got annoying after I turned three.

But it was true, we did live in Carolina, the state that would get the most attention out of the entire selection. After all, our previous candidate, Queen America, went on to become the queen. I heard that she had once met my mother through a common friend named Aspen, but besides that, all I knew about her came from the fairytale biography I found online.

The selection couldn't be that bad. Luxurious everything, a spotlight, a jump up two castes, I couldn't even imagine a life without a workload. It was all too good to be true. Just one problem. The prince. I wasn't prepared to fall in love, after all, my last 'love' had not even remotely reached that point. He was more of a summer fling, the standard casual waste-time phase. 

"Alright, mom." Selina dragged on, making her way to the couch.

I rolled my eyes and continued to pour water into the supposedly pre-filled glasses when my mother squished her way beside me and grabbed the pitcher from my hand. I shot her a look, "Holly, go." I rolled my eyes playfully.

Suck it up sister, imagine a life of utter freedom.

I complied and sat in between both of my sisters. Just as Sarah spoke, "You know, at least you're both eligible, I mean, why can't I go?" she complained, "Look at that walking Greek God." she pointed towards Prince Lucas, a genuine heartthrob.

I groaned internally, disgust lacing my features. "Stop."

Then, as if on queue, Gavril Fadaye entered the room and wore his signature smile. The cameras focused on him, just as all the spotlights were switched on. Smooth, I thought, as he very visibly fiddled with his script. They had gone air slightly too early.

Nevertheless, no one noticed. Everyone was still obsessed with the sheer idea of the next selection taking place. I rubbed her palms together in a scheming way. It was my year, this one. 

Gavril cleared his throat, sending a wink at the camera, "It's been twenty years since King Maxon's selection, where he met the love of his life," A small screen appeared at the upper left corner to gage the couple's reaction. Both entered fits of laughter. Clearly, it wasn't all hopeless romance.

My thoughts were beginning to drift away from the irrelevance of the pre-screening. Maybe I'd make some friends, enjoy the pastries, mingle with guests I knew was out of my league. I do love me some change, after all.

"And now, in just two weeks time, it'll be Prince Lucas' turn to uphold the tradition." Gavril announced, "Any thoughts, our eighteen-year-old to be?"

"I'll just let fate do its job, it worked once, hasn't it?" Prince Lucas spoke, the scripted words flowing out of his mouth as placidly as it could've. He eyed his parents slightly, as the in-house audience burst into laughter. 

The camera focused back onto Gavril, who was now opening an envelope, "Girls, if you think you are Prince Lucas' perfect match, don't forget to fill out the forms with the royal stamp and send them to your local office to have a chance in the brawl at becoming one of thirty-five. And hopefully, as Prince Lucas stated, fate will do its magic." he motioned at the piece of paper, "Good night, Illea!"

My glorious mother shut off the television as if royal announcements were of the only relevance. "Thanks, mom." I groaned sarcastically, "Glad to know our priorities."

"Please, Holly. Stop acting like all the other channels aren't speaking about the Selection." she raised her finger at me before I could utter another word, "Please, girls. I know you both aren't interested, but at least give it a thought. 

"Actually," I drawled, taking one of two envelopes from the pile stacked inside a hand-woven basket and began to skim through the materialistic piece of text that would surely entertain myself for the next five minutes. "I think I'll throw my hat in the ring." Then, a line caught my eye.

Families of the Selected will be compensated graciously.

"Mom," my voice rose in excitement, "Do I get to keep the money?"

"I knew it would be too good to be true for you to want to willingly fill out that form," she muttered, "Half, my last offer."

I smiled proudly, taking the only working pen laid atop the desk, "Deal." And I began to fill out the form. The truth was, my family didn't really need the money, we weren't flourishing, but well off as it was.

But honestly, it wasn't because of them I found myself dripping ink on a piece of parchment, it was for me. Endure the labor, no more. The Selection, I'm coming for you.

Let the games begin.


Do you like the rewrite more than the original? I sure do. It sounds a lot more legible now. Anyway, thanks to all the criticisms because I've finally convinced myself it'll be worthwhile to edit this confusing pile of words in my spare time.

Let me know your thoughts.


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