two - my world, your world

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Another normal day, in another normal world, was something you had to get used to, not every day could a detour practically change life as you knew it.  Except, today wasn't normal, today, my routine was snapped in half and thrown into the bin.

Today was takeover day; that one day in your life when your mother is too busy to bother with her life and shipped you off with her chores because she had important things to deal with.  And boy was I confused.

Sure, I worked already, but I didn't like taking the fame my mother worked so hard for and use it for myself. I wanted to establish myself as Holly, not the daughter of one of those artists. I sang, and I did my job well, I would get rebooked and tipped well, but with all the parties being thrown pre-selection style, the amount of work was simply overbearing.

And I ended up needing to vent. Again. You see, my life goes on and on in repeated and crafted cycles and once I get fed up with my life, I run off to a place where I don't have to be myself, and there I accept that this is and will always be my life, and I leave. Smiling. 

But it repeats. Way too much. 

So while my mother is naming out the instructions for the day to my sisters, I head to the market, to take my mind off, well-everything. Not my usual spot, but the only available excuse to run out and leave. It's not a good habit, but again, everyone has one of those things.

I was still waiting for the clerk to finish clocking in my groceries when I had spotted something interesting. Or rather, someone

He was cleanly shaven, his hair combed into a neat stack. He didn't quite fit in; not even his emotionally-devoid facial expression or the wretched clothes he wraps himself in can hide that he isn't one of us. He isn't part of the lower castes. He meets my gaze for only a moment, before turning his head in the opposite direction and walking out of the compound quietly. 

Maybe it's time my life takes an eventful turn. After all, my mother isn't expecting me back any time soon. So, I follow in his direction and catch up with the boy who simply doesn't blend in.

"You know," I start as I walk beside him, "It's rude not to introduce yourself."

"What makes you think I don't want to be rude?" He asked, insightfully.

"Well, since your clearly not from here, I'll break it down for you. No one would go through the effort of dressing up to be someone of a lower caste to escape reality just to be rude. In fact, some do it so they can live our lives. The simple life." I explain with the help of my hands. "Fun fact, it's not very simple, plain, or solitary."

"Mmm." He whispers.

I giggle quietly, as we continue to walk down one of the main roads in Carolina. The poorer parts of Carolina. A two wouldn't be caught dead walking anywhere remotely near this place. "I'm Holly."

"Will." I liked the way his name rolled off his tongue. Almost as smooth as a continuous sheet of music being played, and finally, when his crystal gaze met mine, I took a loud gush of air and froze. He stared at me.

"I already knew that, silly. After all, you're the younger brother of Mr Selection himself."

Attempting to play cool never felt this easy, but I guess he has this effect on basically everyone.

"And you didn't mention this earlier?" He looked interested now, "Why not squeal and announce my presence."

"Frankly," I motioned at his clothes, "If you escaped the palace, you wouldn't want the constant reminder about your status. I just guessed you weren't feeling like being the His Royal Highness today and left it at that."

He smiled. 

"Well, thank you." His remark sounded genuine, but like all happy and exhilarating encounters, they all end in due time. Enough at least to face the music of my reality. "I hope we meet again, Holly, but I'm afraid it's time to reappear before the cameras."

I grinned, "Anytime, Your Highness.

We shared a final laugh before a jet-black limousine pulled up before them, and Will made his way inside offering me a tight smile as if to bid me goodbye.


My mother had a pair of glasses stuck onto her face when I walked through the door carrying the groceries I had promised I'd get. She'd tucked them to the corner of one of the tables in the kitchen and decided to flop against the semi-soft covers of her bed. 

"Holly!" She called a moment later, requesting my sisters and I sit in a circle around her, pausing before she spoke. 

"Hurry up, will you. I've got an event in half an hour and the traffic is horrendous." Selina muttered.

"I'll be just a moment," My mother smiled. "Anyway, as I was saying, the selection is usually the peak of business, and we've got to accept as much as we can to maintain a good living. Which is why, you three, your father and I are going to be hard at work tomorrow. Get a good night's rest, because tomorrow will not be fun." she spoke, the conviction in her voice resonating, "Selina, go."

I sighed. My cycle of life had returned to its normal pace, just like it always had after taking a short break from life. But at least I've managed to do something today. Something different.

I thought it was fun. To meet him. And the thought remained in my head through the night, even as I tucked myself under my covers an hour and a half earlier than usual. I wouldn't be able to take a break in the middle of a performance tomorrow anyway, so I had to make use of what I had now. 

But, when the sound of rocks hitting my window woke me up in the middle of the night, I was more than displeased that swooned by the attacker, who revealed himself to be Will. I shot him a look from my window and promptly shut the blinds.

He wasn't one to give up and continued to hit the window by throwing twigs against the plastic.

Finally, I gave in. I wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon, anyway. Pushing the window out of its framework, I stuck my head out of the window and hissed at him, "What now, you royal feline?"

"I said I'd be back," Was his genius response. Will gazed at me while the stars twinkled in his eye, through my extreme exhaust, I still managed to catch his mischevious and daring smile from where I stood.

"I noticed," I deadpanned, shooting him an unimpressed glare.

"If our worlds are as different as you say, come and show me yours. The real one."

"My world, your world is the same at two in the morning, that's of sure." I hiss, "Everyone is sleeping. Now leave."


"Come on, be my princess for a night." Shooting him one more glance, I groaned internally at the irritation flaring in my body as I slipped my petite frame through the open window and landed with my feet on the ground. 

And that was what it was, and what it always would be: I was treated like a royal, a princess, and the euphoric sensation of change had me begging for more.

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