six - sarcastically speaking, of course

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My jaw dropped as soon as I made my way to the breakfast buffet. It had everything under the sun. And when I say everything, I meant everything.

Fruits in one corner, pastries in another. Then, on a table off to the side were the pitchers filled with milk and every possible variety of cereal available. I'd have to consider a future that involved palace-like buffets soon. I tell myself, but for the time being, I'd enjoy myself here. 

"Heavenly, isn't it?" I whisper to the other girls as we begin to take a seat around the massive table. Neither the King or Queen are present, but Will is, and he seems caught up in his own world picking at the strawberry tarts.

"If only my family were here now." Denise nodded in agreement, slicing a piece of bread in half as delicately as she could while spreading the marmalade across each slice. 

Breakfast passed eventually leading a few girls to bid their goodbyes and heading out of the room to explore the palace and hopefully stage a few coincidental run-ins with the prince. I, however, had nothing to worry about.

Instead of heading to the Women's room where the majority of the girls would be resting in, I decided to visit the library, and the music room, and basically every single place in the palace I knew there wouldn't be anyone in. I liked to be in solitude, for my first few days, at least.

And I did just that. 

First, I made my way to the music room. It was hard to find, I had to say. Especially since the palace was massive, but as soon as I found it, I knew that it was worth it.

I was a bit surprised to see the Queen inside playing what could be the most beautiful piece of Mozart I have ever heard, I thought she would be in the women's room, head buried in the latest magazine. But she wasn't, and I just sat there admiring her performance before she noticed me.

The piece came to an abrupt end, "Lady Holly, welcome." she greeted stepping of the piano and making way for me to pass.

"Oh, no need," I stuttered, I was just passing by.

She laughed, "That was once my excuse, but trust me, once you start playing, you'll fall in love with the room." 

I smiled, "Thank you, your majesty." 

"Please, call me America. I always hated the 'your majesty' ordeal. Enjoy yourself, dear. A word I never thought I'd say."

I only grinned. 

But instead of walking towards the piano, I picked up the violin and began to play a piece I knew by heart. One of my mother's favorite songs, and in that moment, all the sheets of music came back to me. Queen America was right, you'd lose yourself in this room. In a good way.

As I finished the piece, I sighed in exhaustion, turning around to return the violin to its original position, I heard a soft giggle behind me, only to realize that Prince Lucas was staring back at me. 

"Very funny."

"You forgot to bow. This is done after the applause if you didn't already know." He scolded sarcastically.

"Welcome back to the life," I hung the violin back on its rack before facing him, "Can I help you?"

"Oh, no. I just came to tell you how terrible it was, sarcastically speaking of course." He grinned, "Was that sarcastic enough for the sarcastic girl."

"Okay, you're just repeating the word 'sarcastic' to get me furious." He laughed, leaning his body against the frame of the doorway. 

"You're smart, Holly, I'll give you that." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I came to ask you for a favor."

"With that sarcastic stance you're pulling, it's probably going to be a no." He shot me a pleading look which even he knew I couldn't resist. I should really stop being so soft. "Fine. What is it?" I asked.

"I'm inviting you for the first ever date in this selection." He smiled proudly. "For the cameras, and the cameras only."

"Is it free food?"

"Please, Holly. Every type of food being offered here is free, think of this as the VIP club. Better food with better company." He shot me a wink, "So, how about it?"

"Better company?" I scoffed, "More like the company of an egotistical quarterback." He began to laugh even harder.

"I'm glad you think I'm sports-oriented, muscular, and worthy of being in a Teen Dream magazine. The ones that tell you the ideal guy for obsessive high school drama queens."

"You are sports-oriented, muscular, and at the cover of Teen Dream. The only thing you forgot to mention was the egotistical portion." I laugh. "Stop conveniently forgetting pieces of valuable information."

 "So, do I hear a yes." 

I think about it for a while, and decide it's probably worth a shot. After all, it is pretty fun to be joking around. Something we happen to be doing all the time now, that is. "Sure, why not."

"Yes!" He pumped his fist in the air. 

This was my life now, and boy was it more interesting than the last eighteen years of my life. Crossing my fingers. 

And crossing my heart. This may be the chance to heal a broken heart.

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