eighteen - I get it, you sadistic queen

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What was I thinking?

what was I thinking?

These were the exact thoughts I had the moment that another rebel attack was announced, and besides the initial scare that it had provided, I couldn't push out the current thoughts out of my mind. It stuck like glue. It's been about a week and a half since the 'incident' with Will, and nothing between me and him, or me and Lucas has actually progressed, mainly because a total of zero girls could find either of them anywhere.

Sure, Lucas had been on dates, but not many, and not with me. I had run into him in the hidden music room, too, but he had always been in a rush and offered only a small smile as compensation for his absence.

Basically, the girls simply hung out with one another for about a week occasionally disappearing per preference.

Now, speaking about the attack,  we've had several warnings and precautions that have been put into place to avoid the situation we were thrown in during the first filming of the Report, but nothing could mask the severity of these situations. In fact, according to an 'anonymous' source, the attacks, this was our third, would only get stronger.

The 'anonymous' source, of course, wasn't very anonymous, in fact, it was the same masked man in a pretty derailed and very obviously low-budgeted film being passed on from one person to another. He had appeared once more as if one wasn't enough and began to harass people whilst we were filming the Report. 

It was gory.

I was running as fast as I could without running out of my breath, clutching the ends of my dress in order not to slip. I wasn't really sure if we were all moving in a certain direction, but I followed the mass of people who were turning right. 

It was amazing, the thoughts I thought of while in panic. Dying, no. Getting hurt, no. The two princes, and everything concerning my triangular love life, yes. I sighed.

A guard stood at the entrance, ushering the royals and selected into the rooms. If I hadn't known better, I would've assumed that they were simply stationed to prevent extra unnecessary panic attacks.

To be honest, I didn't know what to do with myself. The room was crowded, so much that there were only two seats available. One next to Lucas, and one next to Will. What luck. I was partially surprised that those were the seats that had been left open, considering that half the girls here were obsessed with Lucas, but I realized that they were saved for me. 


Against my better thoughts, I took the seat next to Will who sat on the opposite side of the room from where Lucas sat. We really needed to talk about that kiss. Eventually.

Lucas would be making his rounds soon.

"Hey," I say, taking the seat next to him. Personally, I found the newly implanted chair concept absurd. Just last attack, I was able to crumple against one of four corners in the room and so did the others, but for Sylvia and her 'etiquette's' sake, we now sat on semi-comfortable seats.

I searched for my friends. Denise sat on her seat, crumpled, her legs brought up to her chest, where her arms were wrapped around tightly. She was sniffling. A common sight, though I resisted the urge to hug her. Callista, she seemed shaken, but she sat with her posture composed and was lost in her own thoughts. I didn't blame her, this was no occasion to be socializing. Finally, Genevieve was pressing her temples with her fingers attempting to think straight. Another common sight. 

"Hey," he answered, to which I faced him, slowly bringing our chairs slightly closer to one another, to make sure no one would hear what followed next.

My smile didn't quite reach my eyes. He noticed, "I don't suppose that was your first kiss-"

"No, Holly, unlike Lucas, it isn't my first" He replied, tone even, I hadn't realized I was avoiding his gaze, "He was always waiting to make his first something special. You know, the way he described it, he always waited for the day to fall in love. One big hopeless romantic."

I frowned, "Well his something special just kissed another stranger,"

He sighed, "Still a stranger? I recall you recognizing me perfectly well the first day we met. Remember? When you chased me down."

"Fine, I'll rephrase. His something special just kissed his brother." I murmured sarcastically, "Better?"

He winced, "Alright, alright, I get it, you sadistic queen."

I laughed, his remark had sent us both into soft giggles, at some point, some of the girls jerked their heads in my direction as if to demand I pipe down. 

I shook my head, "But seriously, no one can find out, alright?"

"Do you mean to say that you regretted it?" he recoiled backward in hurt, I winced. No one deserved having their hearts played with, "I recall that you initiated it."

"Will," I say softly, "It's against Selection rules. If I wasn't apart of this timing is a bitch sensation, I would do it again. Hell- a million times if I could." there I was again, messing around with his mind. Why did I have to say that of all things under the sun? 

Curse my existence.

"So you don't deny you have feelings for me. Ones that involve being more than friends." I jerk my head to meet his gaze. What have I gotten myself into? He looked dead serious, unfortunately. I began with a cough, hoping to clear the tension.

Lucas came around to greet me eventually, and thank god for his timing because, without his intervention, I wasn't sure how I would answer Will's defining question. I was one of the last because sat at the opposite of the room from him. He bowed when he reached me with a smile that morphed into a frown as soon as he saw my beloved seatmate. I felt a pang of guilt. I couldn't keep doing this.

"Lady Holly," he murmured. He put 'lady' before my name. It was either because we were in the 'public' eye, and it was common courtesy or he was beyond aggravated to see Will remotely near me.

"Your majesty," I curtsied, mimicking his actions.

Then he proceeded to check on my wellbeing, with me answering that everything was fine, and I was holding up alright. Except, I wasn't alright, and I wasn't fine, just not for the standard reasons everybody would automatically assume.

Once we finished speaking, he made sure to drag Will to a seat near him, and very far away from me. I frowned slightly, but he suspected that something wasn't right, and he wasn't the one at fault at that end of the rope.


The girls had cornered me as soon as I exited the room. I was silently thankful, knowing that there were two sets of searing eyes, burning through me as I walked. They had planned to ask me to choose, and I was more than prepared to slip out unnoticed.

"I hardly see any of you," Denise complained. It was true. Although we were given more than enough time to hang out, it simply just didn't happen. We were all wrapped up in our own worlds. For me, alternating between hiding in my room, the music room, the other music room, and the Women's room, I had successfully swum underneath the radar.

Callista chuckled, "I agree. You all are too good at hiding."

I shrug, "Where to?"

"Not so fast." A rough voice interrupted our planning session, and as soon as I turned, my eyes widened in horror. Low and behold stood the one, and only Lucas, he looked like he was in a state between a passive aggressive reaction, and a desperate attempt to appear alright. "With the Elite announcements tomorrow, you ought to get some rest. Dinner will be brought up to your rooms, don't you worry." I sighed in relief. But then, his eyes zeroed on me. Please don't, please, please don't, Lucas. I will seriously lose it right here. "Holly, a word?"

I spoke soon, my mind wincing, before I nod, "Of course."

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