seven - so, talking, huh?

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"Really, it's just a date." I sigh, as my maids revealed what has to be the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on. It's a dinner date, so it had to be longer than the usual Holly style, but I've been here a few days now, so hopefully, I've got the entire gist of the palace.

"It's the first date." Chantelle scolded, slipping me through a dress that compliments my figures well. Although, every dress I've been given so far complimented my features well, it's like they had some serious brainstorming sessions before I reached the palace, and while I loved the dresses, they were too much, even for me. "Heavily publicised, and one of the best opportunities to push up your fan-votation status before the elite."

"If the prince and I are meant to be, then we're meant to be. End of story, the fans don't dictate it." I dictate as Cassie helps me slip into the peach gown. 

This was the type of friendship I had with my maids. Some playful arguments, a lot of complaining, and even more laughing, but at the end of the day, I hug them and for a moment, I feel like I've gained three new sisters.

The knock on the door comes at the exact time it's supposed to. Seven in the evening. Although, I was a bit surprised he was perfectly on time. "Lady Holly." He bowed, offering me his hand as I exited my room, I took it happily.

"Hey, Lucas," I whispered into his ear.

"Thankfully you're on time, unlike a lot of girls here who would no doubt push me out of their rooms if they weren't 'perfect'."

I smile.

The cameras were strategically posited right outside the palace doors. Lucas and I pretended to look as candid as possible as he escorted me to the gardens, the infamous Prince Maxon, and Lady America hotspot.

"You know this place."

"Who doesn't," I wink. "I thought kneeing the prince in the groin was a pretty bold move, honestly."

"Don't get any ideas." He laughed, to which I had joined him. "So I thought dinner was too boring."

"So you thought that talking was better?" I finished.

"Well, that, but I didn't really want the paparazzi to photograph us talking. So I set up a surprise for later. But please, help yourself." As if on queue, the waiters began to lay a few plates filled high with food on our picnic blanket. I couldn't help but smile as the lustful aroma swept around us. It really wasn't bad at all.

"So, talking, huh?" He asked. "What about?"

"I don't know, I guess, what does it feel like being the prince, because you and Will seem to be escaping at every opportunity."

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck, "I guess, when we're not being bombarded by the media, or in filming The Report with Gavril, it's a lot of meetings. We wake up, and there's an economic crisis here or a shooting somewhere else. There are a lot of problems we try to cover up. Lots of caste-related stuff, too."

"Didn't Queen America vouch to abolish them?" I asked.

"Easier said than done, but actually, there's a new system in place. You can actually pay to move up a caste, or if your net worth is high enough." he noted, "but enough about me, tell me about you. Who is Holly Mane."

"Yeah, don't worry. I try to escape life just as much as you do, except I get more chances to do so." She sighs, "I sing, like your mother. Typical five job for those who can't manage to draw to save their lives." 

He laughed, "It's time for the surprise." 

I jerked backward, hearing the sound of explosives. I had been warned beforehand of rebel attacks, which although were becoming more scarce, were still possible. "Relax." I could feel his breath on my neck, "It's just fireworks." 

Then I sighed in relief, focusing my attention on the sky. "It's beautiful," I remarked looking at the intricate patterns and beautiful contrasting colors, suddenly, the final firework erupted. The most amazing out of all of them. 

"I tried." He gave me a cheesy smile.

"Not my thing though." I winked, "But ten out of ten for beauty and effort."

"Really?" he asked interestedly, "Not your style?" As they stood up, he put his arm around my waist, and the other holding my hand. I was confused for a second, until he spoke, "How about dancing then, Holly, dearest."

I shrugged, "Why not," 

And that was how Lucas ended up leading a dance, his hands firmly holding me like I'm about to leave. At first, we danced around one spot, but then, he decided to move around leading us through a magnificent tour of the gardens. By the end, we were both exhausted, and the media was fulfilled, the lot of them slowly begin to file out as our date came to an end.

"Shall I accompany you to your room?"

"I'll get lost otherwise."

Will is waiting for me outside my room and I don't quite know why, and neither does Lucas. "Was there something important you needed me to know?" He asked his brother.

He simply shook his head, "No, I just wanted to get a word in with Lady Holly."

Lucas (yes, we've moved on to the first name basis now), and I exchanged a wary glance before I returned my gaze on Will. "Brother, need I remind you that she's in my selection."

Will gave him a crazy stare, "Relax. I was just going to offer a night out."

I open the door, to which my maids are inside, preferably sewing something for The Report on Friday, I turn to face both boys, "And I was just going to say no." I shrugged, "Good night, the invincible girl get's tired too."

The two laughed, "I'll leave you to it."

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