eight - hey, frenemy

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The first Report of the entire Selection had put everyone over the edge. Both Princes and Gavril were rehearsing their lines in mimicked movements, and intentional smiles. Both the King and Queen had spent the entire day out of sight, likely getting ready, while Silvia made sure that all the cameras and microphones were ready. 

Let me remind you, this was a weekly thing. The report was weekly, the selection was one per generation, and so, the palace would go haywire, every single Friday. That had to be crazy.

My maids were no exception. In fact, they had gotten me up at 6 in the morning, filming would be twelve hours later, and put me in a day dress for me to go and have breakfast in a room where there was minimal chatter, today, everyone was in a hassle. 

Probably because the first must always be the best, by palace law.

I hadn't found Denise at the breakfast table, so I took it upon myself to choose a seat next to Callista, who was comparing two identical shades of red. I took a seat, placing the napkin on my lap when she faced me.

"Hey, frenemy," she greeted refusing to take her eyes off the fabric.

"Morning," I greeted sloppily, then, without so much a warning, Callista jerked her head in my direction. I jumped from the shock, "C-can I help you?"

"I can decide." She threw her hand up in exasperation, leaving the two shades of red on the table.

"I'm not an artist," Holly said, continuing to peck at her food, "But according to my dad, the blue hue would look better on your skin, not that it really makes a difference." I shrugged, "since there is barely a difference in the first place."

She looked at it again, "You're right. Thanks, Holly."

"Anytime," I mumbled, my mouth filled with food. 

As soon as I made my way back up the staircase and to my room, I heard a familiar set of voices, belonging to the girl none other than Lady Sarah, who, as typically as ever was yelling at her maids for some form of imperfection. 

This time, the crazy girl decided to cut the dress they had made for her in half because she wasn't satisfied, and the poor maids had to work all night to whip up a new one, which would obviously wouldn't be as good as the first. 

For a two, Sarah was pretty stupid. It wasn't even a snarky remark, or gossiping behind her back. It was a fact. 

I was passing by her room, and staring at the beautiful dress when she caught my eye and walked up to slam the door in my face, well someone was salty. 

Shaking the thought off, I made my way to my room where my maids happened to be dragging a massive lavender ballgown made out of tulle fabric. I simply stared in awe.

"Guys," I whispered, "You didn't have to. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I continued to stare, "This deserves some form of honor." I stuttered. It was truly majestic. Something unforgettable.

"Oh, honey, you're too sweet. Being your maid is enough honor as it is." Jane smiled as Chantelle and Cassie helped to pull the dress over my head. 

Then, I made my way to the room where they filmed The Report. I wondered what my sisters would say now besides bombarding me with questions. Sarah was the fangirl, Selina was the griller. 

The seats are prearranged so that the array of girls are mixed by race, personality, and caste. Basically, so the show wouldn't look biased.

"Greetings Illèa," Gavril grinned as he strode into the room, if not for the pale white stubble beginning to form around his jaw, he looked as young as youth could get. But the truth was he had not only hosted King Maxon's selection but King Clarkson's as well. That was three generations worth of hosting. "Here, we have our 26 remaining girls." He smiled.

The camera's zoomed in on our reactions, most of the girls made sure to either smile or wave, as did I. It was classic royal protocol. It was what was being expected of the girls, to say the least. I'd only been here a few days over a week, but getting into the palace-like lifestyle was easier said than done.

"How are the girls so far?" Gavril was asking.

"Well, they're all really sweet. It's been a pleasure to hang out with each of them."

"Any special smooches we need to hear of," He teased.

The prince was taken aback for only a moment, then shook his head, the smile restraining, "No, not yet. Still getting to know the girls, you know?"

"Ah, yes." Gavril nodded, "We actually have a special surprise for all of you, girls." he turned to face us, "Since we're celebrating the Queen's birthday next week, the girls are definitely going to have some fun, but one lucky girl will be going on a date with the Prince. Who? you may ask, well that's up to all of you," he was talking to the camera now, "A fan-vote! What could be more exciting."

I guess it was a pretty interesting idea, but the person I felt bad for would be Lucas who had to go on a date with a girl he probably hardly knew for the cameras. That was his life, I suppose.

"Which one of these lucky ladies will it be?" 

"Find out in the next week, on, the report!"

We were still seated in our positions when our before and after makeup shots began to load on the report. It was also filled with our send off photos, each one staying on the screen for about two seconds before moving on to the next one in the lineup. Suddenly, my date with Lucas looped onto the screen, and the girls began to stare at me enviously.

Denise nudged me playfully which I returned with a small giggle,

"Wow, progress, girl." Callista laughed.

I was shocked, "I kinda expected you to pull a Sarah, honestly."

"In this ruthless competition, I beg to differ. Friends stay friends. Plus, competition-wise, there's always a chance to change the game." she winks.

"I like your attitude." 

Then suddenly, the lights switched off, and the cameras stopped loading. If I hadn't known better, I would've just assumed it was the end of The Report, but judging by the reactions of the crew and the royal family, this wasn't normal. In fact, it wasn't good.

Suddenly, a man wearing a mask was projected onto the screen. The girls screeched grabbing onto one another for support. No one knew what to do but watch.

"Look. It's the picture, perfect family, with their posy bachelorettes. Let me warn you. I will end you. All of you. Let the monarchy die." He yelled as loud as he could, "Assemble."

I looked up. That didn't sound right.

That would mean... they were attacking us this very moment.

I heard it. Doors were being barged into, items being smashed, the guards were fending them off as best as they could, but it wasn't enough. In fact, something had to be done, and fast.

We were under attack

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