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It was the day of the Feast of the Winter Star. I'd gotten a letter in the mail earlier that week saying my secret person to give a gift to was Shane so I walked into town with a plate of Pepper Poppers in a box.

When I got there I was met with cheerful decor filling the normally plain town square. I saw four long red tables creating a border around the stone walkway. I smiled at the large pine tree in the middle of it all, adorned in yellow, blue, and red ornaments, a large star perched atop.

The townspeople were scattered around the tables like at most festivals. I spotted Abigail at the closest one and went over to say hello.

"Oh hey Alana! Happy Winter Star!" she said with a smile as I approached.

"Back at ya! So how does this festival work? I know I have to give a gift to my secret friend but is there anything else?" I asked her.

"Eh not really. Unless you're hungry, there's a ton of food. Gus, Emily and Audrey spent all night preparing it at the Saloon."

"It does look really good," I said while I grabbed a plate to fill up.

"I'll be right back, I have to go give my present to Elliot." She winked at me and left.

I took my time loading up my plate, starting with turkey and adding cornbread, mashed potatoes, a little corn, and a slice of fruitcake. As I poured on some gravy I heard a voice call out my name. I turned around to see Audrey walking up to me while waving.

"How's the food?" she asked. She seemed tired, likely from making this whole meal the day before.

"It looks great I'm about to try it," I responded taking a bite of my turkey. It was really yummy. I raised my eyebrows a bit and nodded at her happily.

She sighed and gave me a small smile back. "I'm glad it's good. I'm exhausted from rushing around the kitchen so much yesterday."

I swallowed my bite.  "I can imagine you would be. How are you other than that?" It had been about a week since the Night Market and we hadn't talked much, all of us busy with our jobs. I'd gotten two more chickens and cleared out a ton of land to plant more crops once spring came back.

"I've been fine I guess, how about you?"

I shrugged. "Just working mostly." I took another bite of the turkey. Once I finished chewing I asked her, "So how are you and Sebastian doing?"

She gave me a look I couldn't decipher before smiling a little. "We're good," she said quietly.  "What about you and Sam?"

I couldn't help but smile a little too. "We're doing great. Somehow it's even better then I thought it'd be."

"That's great. You ever gonna get married?" she asked calmly while picking up a cookie to hide her smirk.

I scoffed but blushed. "I don't know, it's only been like half a season you know."

"I knoww," she trailed off. "A girl can dream can't she. I get to be the godmother right?"

I laughed a bit and my face felt somehow even warmer. "Slow down Audrey damn... but yes of course."

"Good. I'm gonna go talk to Jodi and give her her gift." We waved to each other and she left.

I looked around and spotted Shane standing alone at one of the tables drinking a beer. I went up to him with a friendly smile. "Hey Shane!"

He barely spared me a glance. "Oh, hey," he muttered.

I hesitated for a moment. It was clear he didn't want to talk to me and likely came for the drinks but I kept pushing, determined to give him his gift. "Um, I have this for you." I held out the box I'd brought.

Stardew Valley Sam x OCWhere stories live. Discover now