Chapter 3

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"Gosh, he's just the worst."

"For however many more times you say that tonight, that's how many beers I'm going to drink."

"Yeah, that's smart." She retorted.


"It's just such a brilliant plan," Phoenix smiled. "Get drunk the same night after your first day at Top Gun and fail everything after that. No more flying for you."

Rooster shrugged with a grin. "Only problem I'd have is having to listen to your complaints with me not being there."

She nudged his shoulder. "Right. Because you wouldn't be a baby about not being able to fly again."

He didn't have anything else to say after that.

The bar was packed to it's fullest tonight. The chatter was loud all the way through, not a quiet spot in sight. Not even outside or in the restrooms. The kitchen was probably clambering away, too. The jukebox was on, customers and tourists were talking away, glasses were being clinked. It was a nice night and a busy time, even though there wasn't a special occasion going on.

The two looked around the crowd of people that walked by. "You think we're gonna make it here?" Phoenix asked.

Rooster turned to her, raising a brow. "Who are you and what have you done with Natasha Trace?"

She understood why he asked that. It was laughable hearing words like that come out of her mouth. She even chuckled a bit.

"I'm serious."

"I am too."

"I don't mean it like that. I just mean... I don't know. The competition, maybe? Top one percent. Wow."

He snorted. "Mhm."

She sighed.

"Don't worry. We'll be just fine." He said, then added, "The only competition you have to worry about here is dealing with me."

That got her going. Rooster could've sworn her laughter was louder than the swarm of voices in the bar. He thought he saw a couple people look over to them, too.

"Alright, alright." He said, patting her shoulder, moving away her beer so she didn't somehow knock it over with the snickering.

She smiled, dragging a finger under her eye. "Ohhh, you're too much, Rooster."

"Yeah, that's a great joke, I should be a comedian." The tone was sarcastic but she wondered if he really meant it.

She pulled her beer bottle back to her, wrapping her hands around the base of it.

"Honestly, the only thing we'll have to worry about it Jake."

"Hey, can I get another beer?" He waved his hand around.

Phoenix yanked his arm, and he brought his hand down to the table, laughing.

"You'd be a terrible comedian."

"I beg to differ considering your act. That's already one lady that likes it."

That one earned a hit.

Needless to say he didn't joke anymore that night. He decided to save them for tomorrow night.

Or, maybe he'd need them at work tomorrow.


It seemed that everyone had a way of keeping themselves calm and content in the room. Hearing the jets roll by as they sat at desks in tan uniforms seemed nerve-racking. Even for these calm-under-pressure officers.

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