🥀 One • Lavender Haze 🥀

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🥀 I've been under scrutiny

You handle it beautifully

All this shit is new to me

I feel the lavender haze creepin' up on me

Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say

No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me

I just wanna stay in that lavender


Angana hated the color grey. Because, for her, grey was the color of mixed emotions, detachment and confusion. However, grey was Raghbir's favorite color. Because, for him, grey was the color of neutrality, balance and calmness.

But at that moment, when she was lying on their grey bed, under a grey duvet, staring at the grey ceiling, she couldn't help but be confused. Why the hell did she let him color their bedroom grey when she wanted to go for lavender? What was she thinking?

Oh, she wasn't thinking. Raghbir's soothing voice always snatch away her ability to think. And she had no control over the uncontrollable love that she had for her then boyfriend and now husband.

Aah, lately Angana was wondering a lot. Wondering how they could be together for seven years and yet their honeymoon phase was not over. Maybe Raghbir had hypnotized her with his hypnotizing dark brown eyes.

Uff, she had never imagined she would be so in love with him when they first started dating. He was a handsome guy and he asked her out and she couldn't refuse and they could never break up even though there's long list of arguments in their dating history. They just stayed together. And now married for six months.

She was living in a dream, maybe.

“Anaa, you are not ready yet?” His voice left her startled as he entered the bedroom. He threw the laptop bag and the black office coat on the couch and began undoing his tie.

Angana leaned up against the headrest. She didn't realise that her afternoon nap went upto the evening. She looked down at what she was wearing. Oh, she was wearing her pink satin backless top and shorts. Angana jumped off the bed and ran to the closet. Raghbir couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips seeing her run around the room like a headless chicken. She was rummaging through her endless array of sarees when he entered the closet and picked a random grey suit for himself. Angana was still confused at what to wear and began undressing.

“Wear black.” He spoke, putting a full stop to her confusion.

“Yeah, black!” She smiled and began looking through her black sarees.

When Raghbir was fully dressed into the grey suit, Angana stood in front of him with five black sarees dangling in her arms.

“Ragh, which one?” She asked.

Raghbir sighed at her choosiness. He looked at the sarees she was holding and picked the one with golden border.

“Wear this. And wear the waistchain too. I like it.” He pulled her cheek when she made a face at the mention of waistchain.

“But I don't like it. You keep tugging at it.”  She complained while putting the other sarees back in the closet.

“Anaa, I like it.”  He stated, handing her the saree he picked and stared at her as she began undressing. She was putting on her undergarments when she saw him staring at her. “You can wait outside.” She told him.

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