🥀 Eight • I Can See You 🥀

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'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me

And I could see you up against the wall with me

And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?

That I can see you


He was sitting in his cabin and staring at the laptop screen aimlessly. It wasn't like he didn't have work, he just didn't feel like working. Angana's incomplete sentence kept ringing in his head. At last, he sighed and dialed his mother's phone number. The call was immediately picked by her.

“Hello, Raghbir. How come you got reminded of your old mother today? You never call me during working hours.” She chuckled.

“I couldn't work. Something is distracting me.” He told her honestly.

“Hmm, what's distracting you?”  She asked, noticing the sad undertone of his voice.

“Angana had put cameras in our bedroom because she is afraid I might end up cheating on her... just like... Dad cheated on you.”  Those words were very hard to let out. He never openely talked about it with his mother. It was a chapter of a their life they always avoided revisiting.

“Her fear is justified, Raghbir.”  That's all she said, completely understanding Angana's concern.

“I know, Mom. But we are together for more than seven years now. Isn't that time enough to form trust on your partner?”

“We were married for fifteen years when your father cheated on me. Loyalty has nothing to do with time. It's earned with gestures and commitment.”

“Why did he cheat on you? Did you ever ask him?” He asked her.

“I did. He gave me a lame excuse about not being satisfied sexually. In reality, he cheated on me because he knew I will forgive him for your sake. He knew he will get away with it.”

“Do you still love him?”  He really wished her answer a No.

“I'm stuck in a cycle. I fall in love with him then fall out of love. I fall in love with him again and then fall out of love again.”  She chuckled at her irony.

“Does he love you?” 

“He does, I would like to believe that.”  Raghbir wondered how could she still be so hopeful. What was the guarantee his Dad did not cheat on her again? Maybe he cheated on her again but didn't let her find out.

“Do you think I'm like Dad?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Do you think I will end up cheating on Angana too?”  He knew he won't. He had seen what adultery did to his parents' relationship. But he wanted to know what his mother think about him.

“I don't know. It's between you and her.”  She dodged the question.

“I won't cheat on her, I promise.”  He was being honest. Promising her that he won't let Angana suffer the way she had to suffer.

“Raghbir, you are like your father. But the only difference is that you accept your mistakes, he doesn't.” Her words warmed his heart.

The conversation began to make him emotional and if they continued, he was afraid he might end up crying. So he decided to end the phone call, “I'll call you later, Mom. Love you.”

“I love you too, Beta. Take care.”  And the call ended.

Taking to his mother made him feel much better. Though he was still angry at Angana. And he wanted to give her a tough time.

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