🥀 His Anaa & more 🥀

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Aah, last night when I wrote the epilogue I felt a little sad. I'm going to miss Angana and Raghbir.

🥀Character Aesthetics🥀



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🥀Couple Aesthetics🥀

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🥀Couple Aesthetics🥀

🥀Couple Aesthetics🥀

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When I had started writing His Anaa on September 30, I had kept my expectations very low. But then your comments encouraged me to the extent where I was updating every single day. Like I never knew I could do that.

Other than that, Raghbir and Angana are the types of characters who write themselves. I didn't have to think what next. Ideas just kept coming.

So thanks to BhavanaSreeVetcha
NashidNusratTripty Happniessexpires
_rarissime1 ShivaniKumari323
NidaLatif0 PratikshaGawade17
subathraKaruppiah ____rathod
udita007 prag_saxena FatemaElahiIqra
Nidhi5181 MushfikaAshik Amyramalhotra
Sorry if I left anyone.
Most of the names are very familiar. I know they are my regular readers.

His Saani will be up soon. I'm already working on the trailer. I hope it turns out good.

And do check out the book trailer and two reels of His Anaa I posted on Instagram.

Bye 👋

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