5. Let it burn

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1 year and 3 weeks later

The light shines threw the cell from the hallway light. Late in the night all I can think is how how disgusting it must be to live in a pack that holds a broken woman and her children in a cage for almost 2 years. To be the filthy low scub that helped destroy my life for greed and lust.

Zaden has not successfully mounted me in a year, the sight of his naked body in my drunk state was grotesque and his penis size is probably why he is on a power trip. He tried to make me conceive after the twins several times, unconscious of course knowing I would remove his manhood if given a golden opportunity to do so. I am unsure as to why possibly he failed due to the build up of toxins in my body or simply a blessing. No pregnancy came and I can not say I am not thankful because I thank the goddess nightly.

Deep in my nightmarish thoughts standing at the bars just watching the light flicker, snapping back to the horror I am in.

The toxins in my body are useless, after so much use Jacob and I have built up a tolerance to the poison I will forever taste on my tongue. Our strength has returned full force. The guards only stop to give food and Zaden has been absent for 6 months. Rumor from passing wolves is he is trying to expand in the south. Although futile since he is no alpha, his absence is crucial for tonight while the pack slacks without him here. One female let slip there is a celebration at our pub so most if not all will be shit face drunk. The struggle is doing this in human form until we reach the lake. They will smell my lycan or my wolf scent if I shift, that is how the pack found out about us even after masking it yet again I am sure in our sleep it must have leaked out.

Being in this form also insures we don't lose communication with the twins. We blocked all members of the pack except each other but the pups don't have wolves yet. I tried rejecting the pack members from the pack and using my alpha command. That resulted in me taking a 4 day nap and getting beaten in front of my pups. Our plan is crazy but we must free us to provide for the twins.

Luckily we won't be doing this in our undergarments. An omega was demanded to give us clothing with the intention of covering our bodies from each other. The sick bastard thinks I would fuck my Beta in this cell with my children in here.

Baggy grey shirt and black yoga shorts cover my body now thin body and Jake has grey sweats and an oversized shirt. We have been stashing clothes away for months for this. The kids are in sweats and t-shirts as well as the hoodies we stashed. I miss clothes. I miss everything out of this cell. I am afraid of being too feral to have such things. For now all I can get my small family is freedom. 1 week before my little pups are 2 years old and now is the time.

"Our pups have never felt the grass on their feet " Ember says in a hushed tone.

The statement was truthful yet pissed me off to my core fueling the urgency I already felt.

I turn around feeling eyes on my back. The twins sitting on opposite sides of Jake on the filthy floor, looking at me with scared eyes. Well not my son, with my grandmother's green eyes and Papa's red hair, he has the look of pure boredom and irritation in his eyes as he rests his hand on his slightly round cheek, with a hint of mischief in his expression. Lycan pups are advanced. So he may be almost 2 but in his mind he is about 5 years old.

"Aleric, my handsome son. Why the face?" I say as sweetly as I can. He is strong willed and very open with his thoughts.

"Mama I want to go. Sissy is scared and uncle Jay is fidgeting"

I smirk at Jacob, who is side eyeing my son with deep brown eyes of disapproval with some over grown brown hair in his face. Keeping his large arm around my daughter. He is 6'7
So my tiny pup looks bite sized next to him large frame.

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