3. Burning rage

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Fog. I can feel and almost see a blurred grey fog behind my eyes, the smokey figure behind my eyelids lighten as my awareness returns. The mix of silver and heavy duty tranquilizers deep in my blood I can taste it. I don't hear Ember as I open my eyes with great discomfort.

"I am here Remi" Ember announces herself weakly. He voice weak yet still so smooth and elegant.

Thank the goddess.

My senses are slowly coming back but not my strength. I open my eyes to see a cement ceiling and the stench of bleach and death. A painful cough bursts from my throat and gag on the atrocious odor. A faint prick from my arm makes me more aware and ember to become conscious. I look to my left to see a hospital bag hanging from a metal hook. I smell the silver tinted liquid draining down the tube into my skin.
Silver IV bag.

Ember echoes in my head with such weakness but still vicious " rip it out" I hear the pissed off snarl.

I reach down my arm for the needle, it feels heavy and the ache down my body is slowing me.

Finally reach the very thing taking my strength and pull the supply line out. Mustering all the strength I have I push myself to move with much protest. I get on my elbows to sit up, the weight of my own body exhausts me. Hell even this thin yellowing sheet feels as if it can hold me down, the lethargy setting in deep. I breathe deep gathering my energy. The stench of blood wafts up my nostrils. It smells new and old. The stench of Zaden is mixed with mine. Yet something familiar.

"Alpha Remi"

The voice is strained but powerful loyalty vibrate in those words, I know who the voice belongs to and is straight ahead 8 feet away.


He is hanging from the concrete ceiling by his wrists secured in silver chains, the awful odor of wolfsbane stings my senses although not toxic to me it definitely is to him.
His dark brown hair is crusted with blood. Those deep brown eyes bore into my soul. His power has shifted, Beta Thompson is no longer with us on earth. Jacob is now my Beta and most trusted friend. The new found power radiates off his beat body.

"Remi-Rain I am so sorry" He almost cries out but holds back. I can tell he has the urge to comfort me.

He has always been a soft spot for me. He is kind and strong. Like a big brother. Zaden used to throw profanity around saying he wanted to bed me but the truth is he is family. Pains me to see him so broken.

" Beta, explain" I don't recognize my own voice. Dry and full of power. Ember is trying to heal us from this pain.

His wolf Roman comes forward with weak grey eyes. Acknowledging his new status.

" The warriors turned. They attacked the pack. All who were loyal to our alpha have been eliminated and bodies burned. I was taken down by heavy tranquilizers before I made it to the lake. I felt him die" his grief leaking into the thick stale air.
"Them both. I tried to stop it" He whispers reliving the memories of both our fathers ceasting to exist.

Jacob's eyes change back to brown. Roman is wounded and goes back to the den in his mind.

"How many traitors?" I try to concentrate to gather knowledge. I am the only alpha blood and need to act as such.

My Beta closes him eyes with a sigh
"More than half the pack and 2 Rouge clans"

The need to find escape was imperative. Using what sight I have to search, we are in the castles cells. Made with silver bars and toxic mixes to weaken any creature not just us wolves. I take a breath but the breath sends pain down to my stomach, back and thighs. Hot sticky fluid soaking my privates and stings with pain. A pained sob leaves my cracked lips. I sit up abruptly in realization and rip the sheet off. Ember releases an unearthly sound in agony and red hot anger.

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