Chapter 19: Just for you

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DONT PLAY THE SONG YET (I'll say when :) (if you want ofc))

Nitro's POV
I woke up in a cold sweat. I quickly shot up and looked to my left and right. No Neon. I sighed, 'Just a dream.. Thank Arceus.' I thought before checking the time. 6:48 am. I got out of bed and walked into the living room. I decided to just watch TV to pass the time for the next few hours.

After roughly 15 minutes, I got bored and decided to leave the house. Once out of the house, I decided to head to the pokécenter, just to see if they corrected the mistake from yesterday.
I walked into the pokécenter and up to the front desk. "Um.. My name is Nitro Willimher and I was pronounced dead 5 days ago. I'm asking if they were able to change my current living status from dead to living?" I nervously asked, "One second Mr. Willimher.." The mon behind the desk started clicking through the computer in front of her, eventually pulling up my file. "Yep! It does say that you are currently living." "Alright, thank you!" I said before leaving the pokécenter and headed home.

I got to the front yard before I got a text from Neon, roughly at 10:24 am. "Hey do u mind if I head over for a little?" "Sure, I don't mind." I put my phone away as I opened the door and stood leaning on the kitchen counter, deep in thought, 'I just didn't think I'd happen. Me and Neon.. just hated each other all for something… stupid.. something that could've been avoided... All we needed to do was just talk to one another.' Ash came up behind me and scared the shit out of me. "BOO!" "AHHHHH!! ASH WHAT THE FUCK!"

I turned around and seen that I instinctively elbowed him in the gut and saw him rolling on the ground in pain. "My bad." "Oww.. shit that fucking hurts.. :,(" he cried, "Shouldn't have snuck up on me like that!" I exclaimed "Yep… good to know for next time.." Ash laid there for a few minutes before slowly getting up and immediately ran for the trash can and threw up. "Nasty." I said "Yeah yeah.. there goes that good meal I just had…" "At least you can eat it again!" I said, obviously joking "Absolutely not..!" He gave me a side eye when he said that. "What? It was at lea-"

I was interrupted by a knock at the door, "I got it." I said and went to open the door to see Neon. "Oh.. hey what's up Neon?" I asked "Nothing really crazy, can I come in?" "Yeah sure." "Oh and I also brought Shrub along if you don't mind." "Not at all." I let them inside and shut the door behind them. "What happened to Torch?!" Neon and Shrub asked at the same time, concerned. "He uh-" Torch cut me off, "I scared his bitch ass elbowed me in the gut.." "NITRO!" They both yelled. "What?! He scared me and faced the conseque-!" Neon slapped me with one of her ribbons, "If I were to do that would you elbow me in the gu-?!" "Yes." I said without skipping a beat. She looked at me trying to process what I just said. I wasn't trying to get slapped again so I took the opportunity and ran away from her into my room, slamming my door behind me.

 "Finally, some peace!" I said, a little bit louder than I hoped. However, I didn't care and walked toward my closet to see if I could find anything in there to do. That's when I found something, my old dusty ukulele along with Ash's drums he hasn't touched in years. I grabbed my ukulele and sat on my bed and started playing a few chords.

A little bit after I heard someone walking just outside my door and twist the door knob. I quickly hid my instrument under my bed as I didn't want Neon or Shrub to hear me play.

To my surprise, it was Ash. He came in, not saying a word, going straight for the closet and pulling out his drum set, clearing the dust on it. "Once for old times sake?" I sighed, "Hell yeah, it's been a minute since I've played a full song, but I'm down." I grabbed my ukulele out from under my bed, "But what song are we going to play Ash?" "How about…. That one song that's named after something in the ocean's currents, I think." My eyes lit up, "Oh! Riptide! I loved playing that song so much!" "Oh yeah, I remember how much you loved it. That's why I chose it, old times sake!" I smiled, "I need to warm up my voice though, it's been well too long since I've sang." "Yep, go for it." I decided just to sing a line from the song to warm up "I swear she's dEstined fo-" my voice cracked on that line.. I look over to see Ash on the verge of breaking out in laughter. "I don't want to hear it.." He calmed down and said, "Dude, I can't take you seriously with that voice crack!" "Yeah yeah, it's been a while." I took a deep breath in and out. "Ready to start?" I asked, "More than ready." He responded. We nodded at each other and I started with the intro..

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