Chapter 23: Days gone past

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Jet's POV
Gem stopped and stared at me, "What did you just say?" There was a tone of aggravation in her voice. "Y-You heard what I said! You're changing too much too quickly! And it's not for good!" I exclaimed. Gem shook her head and continued walking, “Don’t make me laugh Jet. You aren’t much of anybody. Those words you just said mean nothing, they’re empty words.” I stared in disbelief at what I was hearing.. was this real? “No.. this isn’t you.. is it sis? I-It can’t be you… you would never say things that harsh… right..?”

“As I told you, no one stays the same person Jet. Do you not understand what I’m saying?” Gem said harshly, “I-I do… but this is entirely unlike you.. you ar-.” Gem’s shouting cut me off. “APPARENTLY YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND JETSTREAM! I’VE SAID IT TWICE NOW. PEOPLE FUCKING CHANGE. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK DAMN SKULL?!” I stopped walking beside her and stood there in a stunned silence. “Come home when you finally understand what I’ve been telling you.” Gem said before continuing to walk off out of sight.

I didn’t know how to process what Gem just yelled at me about.. I didn’t do anything to harm her in any way… right?

3 years and 8 months ago
I held out an ice cream cake in my paws that read, ‘Happy Birthday Icicle!’. I waited in the kitchen for Gem to get home from school. Once I heard steps nearing the front door, I quickly rushed to the door. “Happy birthday Gem!” I excitedly said, a big smile on my face. “W-Wha-... Jet.. I-It’s not my birthday..” Gem said, very confused, “Well it might not be the day you were born but it was the day that you became a Glaceon!” I exclaimed, still with the same energy. “Well uhm.. that’s not until next Wednesday Jet..”

“What?” I asked, now getting confused as this was the day she evolved, “Jet.. it was January 23rd..” Gem giggled, “O-oh.. whoops. Just uh, act like this didn’t happen and we’ll try this again next Wednesday.” I sat the cake back down and scratched the back of my head with a nervous laugh. “Wait.. does that cake say ‘Happy Birthday Icicle’?!” She asked with a laugh. “Yep! What better way to describe your favorite Glaceon?”

Gem looked over at me while still giggling, “You’re so stupid! That’s the best you could’ve come up with?” I looked at the cake then back at Gem. “You got anything better?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Gem opened her mouth but didn’t say anything, she sighed in defeat, “Nope.. nothing better than an icicle.” I raised my paws in the air in victory. “Ha! Guess you could say I have a good stream of ideas!” We both laughed at my stupid joke, “You’re so idiotic! Where do you even come up with this stuff?” Gem asked as we both calmed down. “No idea, I know I got something up in the empty head of mine though!” I joked as Gem shook her head.

“You are just something else Jet!” Gem said, letting out a chuckle of her own. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly pulled my phone and checked what it was.. it was a message from an unknown number.. What I read made my blood run cold. I felt uneasy, like the world was spinning faster and faster.. I felt lightheaded.. and most predominant of all.. nauseous. “Jet.. are you ok?” Gem asked, concern evident in her voice. “I-It’s about mom and dad…” I responded, my voice was very shaky and uneasy. “W-what about them..?”

“They’re dead..”

Back into present times in Gem’s POV
I finally stepped paw into the house Jet and I shared. There was always a sense of dread whenever I stepped paw into the house. I sighed as I looked around the empty entry area. I shook my head as I started making my way to the empty living room. It was a barren living situation, but we did the best we could with the cards we were given. I sat on the cold ground, finding the temperature rather comfortable. It could be because of typing, but it didn’t really matter, the only thing that did matter was that it was comfortable.

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