Some things are just unexpected Chapter 13

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Emily's point of view: Jack went home at 12:00 last night and I instantly fell asleep. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed so I got up and decided to wear a cute new romper I had gotten with a simple cardigan. Today felt like s cat wing day and some lip gloss. My mom had made me a bagel and I walked out the door.I barely finished my application so my mom told me she would mail it on her way to work.

I walked straight to my locker when I got to school when Sarah walked up to me and scared me. She's always awake and loud for someone who likes to sleep till 12:00.

Sarah:"I really need to talk to you about some things." she said.

"Ok um I have dance after school so how about at lunch just the two of us will hang out." I said.

She agreed and we went to class.Jack was already there which never happens. He's always late even after our talks.The bell rang and we were put into groups of 5 for a reading.
I was with some friends including Jack and one new kid named Shawn. He was really nice and all the girls had eyes on him. We finished reading and Jack asked if I wanted to go get lunch with him but I told him I had already made plans with Sarah but for him to come by after dance if he could because I wanted him there when I figure out if they hired me. My next class was really fun instead of doing work the whole class we got to make games out of it. Lunch came around and I met Sarah at my car and we went to Daphne's for lunch.

Sarah:"Well Vincent and I havnt really been on good terms lately. Every day we are finding something to argue about and I am about done with this toxic relationship." she said concerned.

"I had no idea it was bad you guys seemed so perfect." I said.

Sarah:"That's what everyone thought but he only acts up when it's just the two of us." she said.

"Are thinking about ending it?" I asked.

Sarah:"Well that's why I wanted to talk, I ended things last night." she said.

"Oh I had no idea, well I hope now you will be happier and I know there's a better boy out there for you.
You know there is that new kid Shawn he's pretty cute." I said.

She laughed it off and we finished our lunch before heading back to school.

When we got back to school we had two more classes before the day was over. Jack walked me to my classes and told me about a party on Saturday. I told him to make sure shawn is going and I will make sure to get Sarah there. He agreed and kissed me goodbye. Class ended and I walked to the dance room. I quickly changed and I saw two new girls by my locker so I said hi.

"Hi are you girls new?" I asked.

They looked like twins and they had dance stuff so they must be new on our team.

"Ya we moved here with our brother from Colorado." one said.

"Oh cool I'm Emily if you ever need something I'm hear to help." I said.

"I'm Ami and I'm a junior." she said.

"And I'm Natalie." she said.

I was almost done with my dance I just had two 8 counts left in my dance left so I concentrated on that the whole time. I guess Jack snuck into the room and was sitting on the corner bench and when I realized he was there I turned up my music and danced even harder. He just smiled. I said bye to the twins and walked out with Jack. We walked hand in hand out to the parking lot where my car was. I called my mom to see if they called the house for an answer and she told me I would have to come home to figure it out. I invited Jack along.

He pulled in my drive way right after me. I ran inside as fast as I could. There was a message on the answering machine so I pressed play.

Answering machine: I'm so glad to inform you that we have selected to model for Sherri Hill and training will start soon. We have a local runway show for our new prom line and we would love to have you join us.

I had the biggest smile on my face. I would have never expected to get a job like this.

My mom hugged me and started making my favorite dinner to congratulate me. Jack lead me up stairs and told me to wait while he ran to his car. He came back with flowers.

Jack:"Some flowers since I knew you would make it."he said.

I ran up too him and kissed him. my mom had invited him to stay for dinner. He had me in his arms until my mom called us for dinner. My dad came come and joined us and of course I told him the news.

Wow I just finished my dance for tryouts tomorrow than I'm going to a party with Jack. I just got a fricken modeling job and I will be in the prom edition runway. Speaking of prom it's in a month and I'm so excited. I still can't believe this year is almost over and there are so many positive things happening.

I walked Jack out to his car.

Jack:"Congrats beautiful! I wish you the best of luck on your tryouts tomorrow and I will be here at 4:00 to pick you up for the party tomorrow." he said.

"I love you Jack! Thanks for sticking by my side. Can't wait!" I said.

I set all my dance stuff to the side for tomorrow and took a relaxing bath.

Thanks for reading💜👯

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