Study date? chapt.7

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Emily's point of view:
Jack left at 12:00 and I fell asleep quickly after that. The next day we had school so I got up and showered, put natural makeup on and decided to dress cozy. I picked Sarah up and headed to school with our usual Starbucks. First period was the last class I wanted to go to, we had a exam and I was not looking forward to it at all.
As I walked in jack and I talked a little but than the room was instantly silent and all you could hear were pencils.
Jack: "I don't understand this topic."

Emily: "If you don't do good than I will help you study for the retake
Sorry baby good luck ."

I felt bad for Jack because knowing how he does on quizzes this exam can enable him from football.
Class ended and I left school early for a doctors appointment but came back for dance. When I arrived back at school I walked past the locker room hoping I could find Jack but I had no luck. Today at practice we had to pick out costumes for the show and all I could think about was how I did on the test. Jack must be freaking out too.

I finally focused on our outfits
Girls: grey sweats with teal v-neck
Boys:black sweats with teal decal and a grey shirt

Both:amazing high tops

We practiced a little than practice ended.

I headed to the football field to see Jack because I wanted to talk about a study date,but when I walked over there I saw he was hanging with the popular football crowd. The one thing that sucks about being on the dance team is they want you to hangout with the popular kids and that's not really my scene. So I just drove home hoping we can talk tomorrow.
In the morning I talked to Sarah for a while because she said she really needed to tell me something about Vincent.

Sarah: "I really like him but he might be moving."

Emily: "omg I'm sorry, he can't leave you guys are perfect for each other."

I was so sad for Sarah, I really hope he can stay because I can tell she is so happy when she's with him.


I took my seat in class only hoping that the teacher would pass my test back with a good grade on it.
My test got handed to me upside down which only means I did bad but when I turned it over it said 85%
I was pretty proud because I kinda struggled with the material given to study.
I turned back to see what Jack got but by his face I could tell it was not good.

Emily: "hey I can tutor you on Saturday at the library."

Jack: "ok thanks."

At lunch I was confused why I couldn't find Jack anywhere because he always sits with Sarah and I. One of the popular girls Rachael came in with him and the rest of the football team. I thought he would tell them that he was gonna sit with us but I guessed wrong, he sat with them. Maybe its just for today, which I'm totally fine about I just think he's acting weird and I want to talk to him.

Well so much for thinking it was a one day thing he sat there for the rest of the week and he didn't show up to class at all. What is going on?

Dance kinda took my mind off of Jack for a little bit but I still was confused about him. Luckily I will see him tomorrow for a study date.

Saturday @ the library 10:30am

I waited there for an hour since I knew he was usually late but never this late. I texted him but yet again to get no response. At this point I was a little mad he has basically blowed me off for 4 days.

Jacks point of view: I did really bad on my test so I was gonna go meet up with Emily at the library for a study date but there was one thing stopping me. I got a text.

From the football team: hey Jack the rest if this week we need you to skip classes and meet us on Saturday. It's important and you need to sit with us at lunch. If you don't do this remember we can vote you off the team.

I had no idea what to do.

I had to pick football.

I got many text from Sarah but I couldn't reply part of the deal. I felt bad I really don't want to mess up things with her.

Sarah's point of view: Emily has been upset about jack so I spent time with her a little but I had to leave because Vincent and I are hanging out tonight.

Sarah: "please tell me you don't have to leave?" I said trying not too cry."

Vincent: "hey even if I have to leave I won't stop loving you I will FaceTime you and visit."

Sarah: "when do you find out?"

Vincent:" tomorrow."

We hugged for what felt like forever but I can not live without him, I love him.

Vincent's point of view: "I hope I don't have to leave. Sarah is the first girl that I have truly loved and I can not give that up."

"She's my everything."

Emily's point of view: "I am lost in thoughts right now and I think it's crazy that I thought I had a chance with a football payer, they are all the same."

A/N: Thanks for reading I hope you liked it. I will give a preview of the next chapter on my twitter- @breezygirl258

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