XI: Beachwood's Addiction

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Chapter Eleven      /      Beachwood's Addiction

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Chapter Eleven / Beachwood's Addiction

Chapter Eleven      /      Beachwood's Addiction

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Season One / Episode Thirteen Pt 1

     Birthdays were always a fickly thing to Monica Choung. She often blamed it on the fact that most of her childhood was spent in the shadow of her identical twin, the popular and well-liked version of herself. It was bound to bring the isolation as all of Veronica's friends would cheer wildly for their friend, and then give scarce claps for her sister. It's not like she minded at the time – Veronica was still her best friend despite their subtle differences and that was all that matter to her. There were things that she knew that Monica would tell no one else. Heck, Veronica even saved her for their yearbook photos. Monica had slept in, attempting to juggle an after-school shift, extra studies, and a training course at the hospital for wannabe doctors. Veronica, seeing the effort her twin was putting in, did not wake her up but instead packed another outfit just so Monica could get the hours of sleep she so desperately needed. The Choung twins would forever love each other. But it didn't mean that birthdays were bad and often ended with her crying in the bathroom while that group of girls played some party game. That was just the normal for sixteen years of her life. Luckily for her due to her academic knowledge, she was able to graduate high school and move to college at sixteen with the permission of her parents. Since that moment, birthdays impressed ever-so-slightly but not enough for it to become a major deal.

     She awoke on the day of her birthday, luckily been given an extra hour to sleep in from Hotch because the team stayed late due to a case. Her day went as usual; Sudoku while having a smoke and the music from the radio played in the living room. The only difference was the cardboard box on the kitchen bench, a birthday parcel from her twin in Billings, Montana. Monica placed it on top of her bed as she got dressed for work, reminding herself to open it when she got home. When she arrived at Quantico, her coffee was on her desk as usual from Anderson yet with a small pink box aside it. Monica furrowed her eyebrows as she sat in her chair, bringing the sweet coffee to her lips as she held up the box. Happy Birthday with a little heart was drawn onto a sticky note, and when she lifted the flap up, she saw a bakery cupcake. Opening it up quickly, Monica smiled as she dipped a finger into the icing and licked it off her finger when she heard the tapping of heels behind her. By the time she turned around in her chair, she saw Garcia waving her over. Confused, Monica trailed after her down the halls to her technology-filled office.

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