Chapter 1 The fight

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Prim's games sequel.

Rory.."Prim, will you marry me?"

Prim pov

I can't breathe. Did he just say what I think he did? I make a face pretending to think it over. "Oh alright," I say. Rory breathes a sigh of relief before lifting me up and kissing me. He places the ring on my finger and the whole station claps and cheers all except one person. "No", Katniss says. "Primrose Everdeen you will not be married at 17 do you understand me?!" The whole station is now staring at us. "Katniss", I say "please lower your voice" "Do not tell me to lower my voice", she snaps. "We're going home" She grabs my wrist and practically drags me home. When we get home I roughly pull my wrist back from her. "Primrose", Katniss says in an angry tone. "How could you agree to marriage? You're only 17! "I love Rory," I say. "You're 17, "you don't know what love is!" I mentally roll my eyes could she be any more of a hypocrite? "You were 16 when you and Peeta fell for each other" "That was different", she insisted. "How?!", I ask. "You will not marry Rory and that's final!" "In other words, you can't give me an answer,'' I say as I turn around and make my way to my room. "Do you hear me Primrose", she demands. " Yes, Katniss I heard you" The whole bloody district heard you"! I shout in anger. "That's it", she says. " You are never allowed to see Rory again" I look at her in shock. "You can't do that" "I can and I did", she says. I glance at Peeta who's only staring at the floor clearly not wanting to be in the middle of the drama. "I'm gonna see Rory whether you like it or not" "You can't stop me" "Wanna bet", she asks. " What are you gonna do, tie me to the bed," I ask. "I'm going to my room", I say. " Prim", she says "get back here" I turn around "You can't keep telling me what to do you're not my mother so stop pretending to be!" I barely notice the look of hurt on her face before I storm off to my room. I slam the door behind me and sit on my bed. I throw my book at the wall and clutch my head stewing in anger. I can feel the tears pricking my eyes but I hold them back. For the first time in a very long time, I'm angry at Katniss. Not just angry, pissed. Maybe I went too far with that last comment. Oh well, she went too far too. She has no right to tell me how to live my life. Or who I can and can't be with. 

Katniss pov.

Peeta wraps his arm around me. "Prim didn't mean it", he assured me. " She was just upset" "She's too young to understand", I say.  

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