Chapter 2 making up.

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Prim pov
It's been five days since, and Katniss and I fought. We haven't spoken. We barely even look at each other. I'm lying in bed when I hear a knock on my window. “Rory” I ran to the window and opened it “What are you doing here Katniss will kill you if she sees you here ''I just had to see you”, he says. We sit on my bed. He leans in and kisses me, and I kiss him back, and we end up kissing and lying on my bed.

Katniss pov
Prim and I haven't spoken in five days, and I miss her. “Katniss”, Peeta asked. “ What would be so bad about Prim marrying Rory?” “He loves her, and he treats her really well” “She's too young”, I say. “ Katniss”, he says. “Are you sure this isn't just about you”? “Maybe you're afraid of letting Prim grow up”, “Katniss she's not a little girl anymore”  “I feel like I’m losing her” “Then go talk to her, Peeta says. I kiss Peeta before walking to Prim's room.

Knock knock knock.

Rory and I break apart. “Prim” Katniss calls from the other side of the door. “Are you up?”  “We need to talk” 

Rory scrambles to put his pants on. “Just a second”, I call. Rory crawls back out of the window and pushes it close.

The door opens, and Katniss walks in. I don’t really want to talk to her. But I know we have to. “Prim”, she says. Sitting next to me,“ This isn't our relationship not talking to each other” I keep my eyes cast down to the floor. “Prim look at me”, I lift my head to look into her eyes. “I don't like what's going on here”  “Well I don't like being scolded in the middle of a busy station like I'm some kind of child,” I almost shouted. Katniss sighs. “I know, I'm sorry I embarrassed you. “I shouldn't have done that” “Katniss”, I say “ What would be so terrible about me marrying Rory?” “You know him, he's a good person” “I know”, she says. “ But Prim everything is happening so fast” “It was only a few years ago that you were the 12-year-old little girl being reaped” “Two years ago you and Rory started dating, and now you wanna get married” “I feel like I'm losing you” “Losing me”, I ask a bit shocked “ What do you mean?”  She swallows hard, and I can tell she’s holding back tears. “I feel you're slipping away” “I want you to be my little duck forever” I put my hand on her knee. “Katniss, “ I will always be your little duck” “But I've grown up I can stand or fly on my own and it's because of you” “You're an amazing young woman,” She says smiling at me. I smile back at her. “I love you” “I love you, so much”, she says, pulling me into a tight hug. I pull back. “ I'm sorry about what I said about you pretending to be Mom” “I didn't mean it I was just mad” “I'm grateful for everything you've done for me” “And there are times when I do see you as a mother figure” “But sometimes it’s nice to just have a sister” She doesn't say anything and instead pulls me into another hug burying her face in my shoulder. She whispers in my ear. “You have my blessing” I pull back. “What” “You can marry Rory” “You love him, and he loves you, and I can't think of a better person for you to be with. “Just, please at least wait until you're 18” I chuckle slightly. “Deal”

Katniss pov
I'm so happy Prim and I made up. Though I admit it was mostly my fault we fought in the first place. I love Rory like a little brother, and I know he'll take good care of Prim. Because if he doesn't, I'll kill him.

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