Chapter 3 the tour.

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3 months later

Today is the day of Prim’s victory tour. And I can tell she's nervous. I can’t blame her for one second because I’m nervous for her.  Our prep team arrives along with Prim's new stylist Karen. She's almost as good as Cinna but not quite. Every time I think of Cinna it brings tears to my eyes. 

Prim pov

After three hours I'm finally finished being prepped. I look down at my engagement ring. I'm so glad that Katniss has accepted my engagement to Rory. I don't think I could have a good wedding if she didn't approve.  “Prim” Peeta calls out, “it’s time” "Prim", Katniss says " pulling me aside. "You need to tell them about your engagement" "Why", I ask. "Why", I ask. " Because", she says in a whisper "Snow wants to sell you when you turn 18" I look at her shocked. I had no intention of telling the Capitol about my engagement to Rory. But I guess I have no choice.

"There she is Primrose Everdeen the Princess of Embers." Caesar's voice announces from the camera as I walk outside. "Hello, Prim," Caesar says. "Tell us what's new." I look back at Katniss standing in the doorway, and she gives me a nod. "Well," I say, "Rory and I got engaged." At this, a loud cheering erupts from the camera. "That is fabulous," Caesar says, " When is the wedding",  "We haven't settled on a date yet," I say. "Well congratulations," and tell us how is life as a victor treating you? " Great," I say with a fake smile. "The Capital has been very generous, and I appreciate everything they've done for my family." It's a huge lie, but I can't tell him the truth. "Well," Caesar says. "We look forward to seeing you on the tour. Thank you very much, Primrose Everdeen. "The crowd cheers, and the camera cuts off. "Prim," I turn to see Rory. I ran to him. "I didn't want to talk about the engagement," I say. "I know," he says. "I know you must've had a good reason." I hug him, and he holds me in close. I breathe in his scent. "I'm gonna miss you so much," I whisper. "I'll miss you too," he says. He pulls back. "But hey, it's only for a few weeks. You'll be back before you know it. " "Prim, "Katniss says."We have to go. " I nod and turn back to Rory."I love you, "he says. "I love you too," I say. 

We board the train, and I watch as district 12 got further and further away. The districts I'm dreading most are 4 and 2.

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