Chapter 6

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Snow's pov

"They've become too dangeous" I say to my henchmen. "The Everdeen girls have given them hope and hope can be very dangerous"  "They have to be eliminated" "In a way that sends a message to the other districts" "Bomb their district" "We shall make an example of them, show them what happens when you go against the capital" 

Katniss pov.

The sound of a loud alarm makes Peeta, and I jump, "What was that?" Peeta asks. "I don't know" I say, "The peacekeepers are leaving" Peeta says looking out the window. "What's going on" Prim asks coming downstairs. We shrug. That's when Gale and Rory burst through the door.  "We have to go" Gale says, grabbing me by the arm. "They're bombing the district".  Rory takes Prim's hand and we run out of the house, the whole district is in chaos people running and screaming as firebombs rain down destroying everything in their path. "Head for the woods!" I shout. Gale and a few guys from the mines start pulling people from their houses and try getting them to go towards the woods, but not many people have ever been in the woods, and they're scared so they run for the road instead.  I hear a loud blast and a cry of pain. I turn back to see Prim on the ground with a large gash in her leg. "Prim!" I shout. Rory picks her up causing her to cry in pain. We reach the woods and Rory helps Prim through the fence before climbing over himself. That's when we see more hovercrafts but instead of dropping firebombs they land and a woman steps out of one of them. "My name is Alma Coin, President of district 13, we're here to rescue you all" Everyone just stares at her.  "13 was bombed decades ago" Gale says. The woman shakes her head and smirks, "That's what the Capital wanted you to think but we've been secretly living underground"  "And in case you haven't figured it out there's a rebellion going on against the capital she says. "You can either stay here, or you can come with us" Coin says. "My sister's injured" I gesturing to Prim. "She needs medical attention."  Coin calls for someone to bring a stretcher.  "They lay Prim down on the stretcher and I can see the tears of pain streaming down her face. "You're gonna be okay, Little duck" I say stroking her hair.  Rory leans down and kisses on her on the lips. "I love you", he says. "I love you too" she says in a pained voice.  Minutes later and everyone is on the hovercrafts, a few medics are tending to Prim's injured leg cleaning the blood and stitching the gaping hole in her leg, she's been sedated to keep it from being too painful. I sit next to her holding her hand and Rory sits on her other side holding her other hand not taking his eyes off of her.  "Is she gonna be okay" I ask one of the medics. He nods, "She'll be okay until we get her to the hospital in 13, but she's gonna need an X ray and possibly surgery."  I look down at Prim's sleeping form and can't help but feel a sense of guilt. "She was in the games because of me, and now she's hurt because of me" Peeta wraps his arm around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder.  We arrive in 13 and Prim is taken to the hospital to be treated. "How is she?" I ask the doctor. The doctor smiles. "She has no broken bones, it seems as though one of the bombs caused a shard to fly through the hair and cut a big hole in her leg, but we managed to stitch it up" "So she'll be, okay?" I ask. "Well, she'll need time to recover of course but she'll just fine"  "She'll be up and around in no time."  I breathe a sigh of relief. "You can see her if you'd like" the doctor says. She leads us to her room and tells we can go whenever we're ready.  I open the door and Prim is lying on the bed her leg bandaged up the rest of her covered by thick blankets. She's still asleep from the anesthesia. We walk over to her bed and I kiss her forehead. She sleepily opens her eyes and smiles. "How are you feeling Little duck" I ask her. She chuckles "Sore but I guess that's better than agonizing pain.   She turns to Rory and he comes over and kisses her and she reaches up to cup his cheek. I watch Prim's fiancé lean his forehead against hers and for the first time I can truly see the love between the two and I know Rory is the perfect husband for her. I look back and notice that Peeta isn't next to me anymore. I see him outside leaning against the wall. "Peeta" I ask as I approach him. He turns and I can see he's crying. "They're all gone Katniss" "My family they didn't make it out, my father my mother my brothers, they're all gone" I pull him into a hug, and he cries into my shoulder. 

Prim pov

 I watch Katniss comfort Peeta over the loss of his family, they walk back into the room and Peeta give me a sad smile, I feel like I should say something but I don't know what to say. People Katniss mostly tells me that I'm good at making people feel better but what do you say to someone who lost their entire family?  That's when I remember Henry's mother and sister, I promised I'd look after them. "Excuse me" I ask an officer. " I need to know about a couple of residents. "Names?" he asks. "Samantha and Carla Parker, he looks through the records and shakes his head. "It seems they perished in the bombing. I fight back tears at the feeling of guilt that I wasn't able to fulfill my promise to Henry. 

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