Chapter 9

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Tom woke you up at 9 a.m. with a smile on his face. But you didn't feel like smiling at all. You felt like staying in bed all day and pretending you are dead.
T: "C'mon, get ready, we have to go downstairs in an hour."
You got ready and he brought you a breakfast to your room. You couldn't eat a thing. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing what awaits you that day. You and Tom walked downstairs and saw Bellatrix and Snape waiting for you. They took you to a room where you haven't been before.
T: "We will start with the three Unforgivable Curses. Let's see if you can do it. Come here."
There was a terrarium full of big spiders.
T: "I want you to make this spider crawl out of there and jump on this table."
Y/n: "Imperio" you did as he said.
T: "Torture him..."
Y/n: "Crucio" you said watching the poor creature writhing in pain.
T: "End it."
Y/n: "Avada kedavra"
You said that with tears in your eyes. It wasn't because of the spider. You've killed many spiders in your life (not with this curse of course). You just couldn't stop thinking about the fact that this is just the beginning and you'll be forced to use these spells on innocent people. Tom leaned over to you and whispered: "My little good girl..." placing a soft kiss on your cheek. The rest of the day was so exhausting. Snape wasn't that bad but still he hasn't shown any signs of sympathy for you whatsoever. Bellatrix on the other hand was so cruel and insane you wished there was any other Death Eater training you but her. And Tom only cared about you becoming more and more like him. In moments like these you wondered if he's even capable of loving someone. And as if it wasn't enough you had to go to the dinner and talk to Voldemort like every evening. Tom praised you highly in front of him, telling him how you did so well but you didn't care. You just wished it was over. After dinner Voldemort took Tom aside and talked to him. Tom seemed disturbed but quickly calmed down before walking you back to your room.
T: "I can't be with you tonight. Father wants me to...take care of some things and it has to be done this night."
He turned his back to you standing in front of the window, watching the moon. You knew he was exhausted but he would serve his father even if he felt like dying. You gripped his strong arms from behind and laid your head on his shoulder. You two stood there like that in silence for few minutes.
T: "I have to go. Stay here. You need sleep."
With that he left. You wondered why he was so disturbed by whatever it was he had to do. You decided you're going to ask him in the morning, whether he likes it or not, and went to sleep. You woke up in the middle of the night because you were cold. You slept naked and wanted to draw up your blanket but couldn't find it. When you opened your eyes you realized you weren't alone. Tom was sitting next to your bed, admiring your naked body. You smiled at him.
Y/n: "What are you doing in MY room?" you said, teasing him with the same words he told you last night.
Y/n: "Did you take my blanket?"
He laid down next to you and started stroking your body with his warm hand.
T: "I needed to check on you and make sure you are mine."
Y/n: "Why would you doubt that?"
T: "..."
He slid his hand down between your legs while kissing your neck softly.
Y/n: "Tom-" you stopped him.
Y/n: "I want to know where you were. What did your father want?"
T: " I will tell you when the time is right." he said and went on with what he just started.

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