~ Twelve ~

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When Sanaa woke, her body burned.There was nothing but explicit and inescapable pain even as she remained unsure of where or who she was. When she roused from her blackouts from the tonic, she was usually unsure of her surroundings but when her mind caught up, when she remembered...

Tears came thick, pouring down her face as she cried silently in the dark corner of her room. A thin blade of moonlight cut across the room, lighting a small corner across from her bed. Sanaa's body shook with tears and when she felt able, achingly she moved her hands beneath the covers to find the cause of her pain. Her body felt tender to the touch and the more she explored, she realised there were thick tender welts across her legs and thighs that she didn't know how she'd received. Sanaa worried her lip in confusion but winced, finding her lip to be painful as well. Her fear rising and unsure of what had gone on, Sanaa reached down her body and between her legs, feeling for... she didn't know what she was feeling for but she knew, once she drew her hand away that she'd not been violated. When she brought her hand away from between her thighs, thankfully she found no blood or sign of forced entry.

Somewhat relieved, Sanaa lay her head back against her pillows and took a deep breath. Almost instantly, a secondary minty smell became obvious and her eyes darted around the room, her heart pounding. Finally, her eyes adjusting to the shadows and with the help of the stream of moonlight, she could now see the side of an arm. A black clothed arm with vambraces resting on the arm of a chair.

"He beat you," Amir said quietly, his voice seeming to come from the darkness itself. "It's something he likes to do. Something I endured for many years. It... calms him." Sanaa said nothing for the moment, unsure what to say, what to ask; unsure where to begin.

"Did he...?"

"No," Amir's answer was instantaneous, a crack of a whip through the air. "You remain untouched."

"That won't last long," Sanaa whispered. "Now that he's found another Seer."

Amir's lack of response proved the truth of her words. Sanaa cleared her throat a few times, her throat dry from disuse for... "How long have I been asleep?" Archimedes was usually there to explain what happened, but in the dead of night as it was, she would have to wait for that conversation.

"This will be the twelfth night," Amir said, just as a glass of water floated towards her in the dark. His power is truly magnificent, Sanaa thought as she plucked the glass from the air. When she tried to sit to take a sip however, she realised the difficulty. She was so weak. She attempted to adjust herself in the bed when she felt a gentle push at the top of her spine. Then, again under her arms, she realised that Amir's shadows were putting her into a more comfortable seating position.

"Thank you," she whispered again before taking a much needed drink. She finished the whole thing before resting once more against her pillows. She'd been unconscious for almost two weeks. It was the longest she'd ever been unconscious and while that was terrifying for all the obvious reasons, Sanaa was concerned with everything that had taken place before her visions. Not to mention, the little boy she had Seen. The excitement of discovering someone like herself, was not the reprieve she would have thought. If what she'd Seen was true and there was truly another Seer, Ghassan would have no further use for her magic. Once that happened, he would rape her. Violently and repeatedly. A lone tear streamed down her face as Sanaa remembered Ghassan's words as he'd attacked her.

Your ass has no restrictions

He'd tried to violate her in a way she'd never considered until that moment. She'd read books on sexual activity but never anything that involved such acts.

"Why did he not... not..." she couldn't bring herself to say the words. "Why do I remain untouched?" She asked instead. Amir cleared his throat.

"His needs were sated elsewhere."

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