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Apologies for any excitement had in seeing an update for this story, as this is not a chapter. At least not yet.

Needless to say, I have been on a hiatus with Shadow Seer for many reasons, the most important of which has been that I have lost a lot of love for writing in general and the story and I'm just not sure how I want to proceed. As a writer of six fantasy novels, it can be difficult to find your creativity when life is throwing other less positive things at you. On top of minimal interaction and engagement with the story from audiences, it has left me feeling a little like 'what's the point!?'

That being said, the point is that there are some of you who are reading the story and who have reached out, wondering where Sanaa and Amir have gone! Thank you so much for making me feel like I wasn't just pissing into the wind. For you, I will complete this story, its just taking me some time to wrap it up in a way that is fulfilling but doesn't fill rushed even though it will be rushed.

The next  chapter for Shadow Seer will be the last so it will be lengthy. I'm just figuring out the points I need to hit and include but once that's posted, the story will be complete.

Thank you so much to everyone who cared to read and even more to those who engaged.

All the best,

C x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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