03 | caffeine crystal ball

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I'd quickly met with Mariah and Elijah before Mariah jetted back to ESPN's headquarters in Connecticut. Kayla sat in on our meeting, and while she was mostly there for moral support, it also served as the metaphorical changing of the guard from her to me as student head of sports media.

Mariah reassured me again that my work study internship wouldn't be affected by Reid's indecision on this comeback story piece, and they would have something else for me to work on. Although, what that something else was seemed conveniently vague - vague enough for me to question whether or not it would be pickleball related.

After all, Mariah had also made it clear that if I could somehow convince Reid to do it before preseason started in August, it would be monumental "for everyone involved." Once again, conveniently vague.

She had me read from the moment I walked into that conference room, and she knew how to pull the linchpins of my personality. I sought challenging opportunities to show that I could not be dissuaded from something challenging, and by extension, I took risks to get those opportunities. Mariah Roe dangled all of that conveniently vague information in front of me like bait, knowing I'd bite.

Afterward our little meeting had wrapped up, Kayla and I reconvened in the football complex parking lot before going our separate ways for the day.

"I'm above saying I told you so," I said as I leaned on the door of my Jetta. "But I told you that Reid Donahue is still a purebred ass. He just thinks he's so much better than everyone else. He's unpleasant and ungrateful, and like...does he not realize he's lucky to even still be playing football?"

Kayla slid me a coy smirk. "That's exactly why you need to try and get Reid to reconsider."

I let out a frustrated groan. "I think I'd rather get a tooth pulled."

"You heard Mariah," she retaliated quickly. "If you can convince Reid to do it, it would be monumental for everyone." She put sharp air quotes around her last words as she narrowed her eyes on me. "Especially you."

Truth hurts, and that particular truth made me feel like I was getting several teeth pulled.

"Why can't you convince him?" I glanced down at a chip in my gel manicure. "You've known him longer, whereas I don't even think he knows my name."

"Because I graduate in two weeks." Kayla placed her hands on my shoulders. "And after that, this will be your team, and your year. You work hard, and you deserve the best opportunities, because you'll make the most out of them. I know this is not what you want to hear, but getting Reid to do this ESPN piece is your best opportunity, and I think it's his too. Someone just needs to find a way to let him know."

I arched an eyebrow. "I don't really think someone like Reid is short on opportunities of any kind."

Kayla took a step back from me and assessed me with a soft, almost distant smile. "Reid's been through a lot. I don't know everything, but I know he's changed. I also know that you can tell the story that should be told better than anyone else. Who knows, maybe it'll help both of you." 


Kayla's words had stuck with me all weekend, and come Monday I was staring into my big ass cold brew as if it had answers to all the questions I'd been asking myself. Did I actually need Reid Donahue? How much would it injure me to admit that I possibly did? Did he need me? I only hoped the caffeine crystal ball could tell me.

"I know you like coffee, but you look like you're about to propose to it."

Across the table, Derek stared at me with furrowed brows.

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