Chapter 2 - Pleasant Dreams

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Once the Hogwarts Express completed its journey and the students all filed into the Great Hall, Harriet looked around in awe but Tom just looked at Harriet.

He stayed by her side as they waited patiently for their names to be called, although he immediately deemed the entire Sorting Ceremony to be a threat.

Harriet's turn came first and after she sat on the stool, the Sorting Hat promptly cried out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Tom frowned as Harriet joined her new housemates at Gryffindor's table.

Another boy was called, sorted, and then finally, Professor McGonagall shouted, "Tom Riddle!"

Tom stepped forward as everyone in the Great Hall watched, but instead of taking his turn, he stared at the Transfigurations Professor.

"Well, go on, Mr. Riddle." Professor McGonagall nodded, "Have a seat and we'll get you sorted."

"Excuse me, Professor, but is it true that someone is only allowed to sit at their house's table during meals?" Tom asked.

Professor McGonagall blinked.

The onlooking students and staffed stilled before she replied, "No, Mr. Riddle......Hogwarts does not have formal rules in regards to which table students may sit at during meals. However, most prefer to seek the company of their housemates."

"Class schedules are dictated by house though, correct, Professor?" Tom asked.

Everyone anxiously listened to the bizarre conversation while Professor McGonagall nodded and said, "That is correct, Mr. Riddle."

"Then may I respectfully ask, Professor, why Hogwarts allows students to befriend one another on the train only to divide us hours later?" Tom scowled.

The staff exchanged glances.

Whispers erupted throughout the Great Hall at the unapologetic boldness of the boy named Tom Riddle.

Professor Dumbledore prepared to intervene as headmaster, but McGonagall maintained control of the situation as she silenced the whispers by raising a single hand.

Her eyes narrowed at Tom as she spoke, "I beg your pardon, Mr. Riddle, but Hogwarts hosts a variety of friendships. One is not solely limited to one's housemates for allies. Now, if you please....." She nodded urgently.

Tom's scowl remained as he stepped forward, sat on the stool, and let Professor McGonagall plop the Sorting Hat onto his head.

The brim had barely touched his dark hair before the hat loudly barked, "SLYTHERIN FOR SURE!"

Tom's new housemates cheered, glad to have the defiant new first year as one of them.

While they clapped eagerly and greeted him with smiles, Tom wore a firm frown.

He barely heard their congratulations or their names as they introduced themselves, too preoccupied staring at Harriet all the way across the room.

Tom begrudged the tragedy of the evening.

Why couldn't he have been placed into Gryffindor or she in Slytherin?


As their first year at Hogwarts began, Tom took every available opportunity to speak with Harriet.

On the way to class, back from class, early in the morning before breakfast began, in the evening after dinner......if Harriet Potter had a free moment, Tom Riddle claimed it for himself.

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