Chapter 10 - Practice Run

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When Harriet chose to keep her scheduled appointment, Tom readily agreed, fearful of scaring his darling away by pushing for a more traditional means of conception.

He had realized over the years how incredibly difficult it had been to lure his beloved anywhere near his arms.

Harriet's St. Mungo's appointment had been scheduled early one Saturday morning.

Weekend slots at the hospital's speciality care units were usually hard to acquire, but there had been several exceptions made the Head Auror.

Eager to act as an impeccable gentleman, Tom knocked on the door of Harriet's flat an hour before their slated arrival time.

She blinked as she opened the door, still dressed in her night robe and exclaimed, "Oh!.....Tom, come in, won't you?"

He nodded politely to his darling as she moved aside and let him step into her small apartment.

"Sorry, I'm running a bit behind.....I can get dressed quickly, don't worry. Those pastilles I've been taking make me tired. Some mornings I have trouble getting out of bed!" Harriet laughed.

Your fatigue will worsen once you're carrying my pup. Tom smirked inwardly as he thought of Harriet lying in her nest, pregnant with his baby, in need of him.

He pushed his smugness aside as he smiled and spoke, "We still have plenty of time. I wanted to escort you to the hospital since we're doing this together. I thought we may as well arrive together too."

"You're very kind, Tom." Harriet nodded.

He resisted the urge to laugh out loud as his various crimes and schemes played through his mind before Harriet walked off towards her bedroom.

Tom visibly fidgeted on the couch as he listened to the soft sounds of Harriet undressing and readying for the day.

A soft thud hit the door, presumably her night robe and gown.

Tom's trousers tightened as he contemplated the frustrating notion that Harriet was bare or nearly bare, down the hallway, frustratingly out of his sight.

Her nest was probably beside her.

If only he could stand and rush to her, he'd take her in his arms as they fell onto the covers and.....

He could contact St. Mungo's and tell them to forget the whole appointment as Harriet cuddled on his chest while she let the aftershocks of the pleasure he had given her course through her blushing body.

Tom swallowed dryly the second before Harriet reentered the room, dressed in a clean set of robes that matched her emerald eyes.

"What a perfect shade of Slytherin green." Tom complimented his darling.

"Thanks." Harriet laughed as she glanced down and brushed her hands over her sides, "I didn't particularly think I could wear this colour at first, but the clerk at Madam Malkins convinced me to give it a try."

"Your robes are lovely." Tom chuckled darkly as he stood, "But I'm afraid I was talking about something else."

As they left Harriet's apartment, she frowned.

She owned no green housewares, decorations, or tinted glass.

Surely Tom couldn't have been mentioning her eyes?


Although they were not a couple, Tom and Harriet walked side by side to the reception desk in St. Mungo's obstetrical unit.

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