Chapter 14 - A Doting Father

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Beyond elated to finally be confronted with such a prime opportunity, Tom Riddle eagerly sought to become a dream mate for his darling.

In the weeks that followed Harriet's happy news, Tom became even more attentive, protective, and nurturing to his lover.

During the work day, he let her use his office for naps at will.

He made certain she kept a dose of Anti-Sickness Potion on hand at all times to battle the nausea and stop the vomiting that soon began.

If Harriet asked for anything, Tom had it brought straight away.

His words were sweet and his smooth voice was calming.

His touch held a reassuring gentleness that helped Harriet rest.

As she lay in her nest one evening, asleep on Tom's shoulder, he grinned while he snaked a hand over her body to splay across her belly.

It exhilarated him to imagine Harriet lying there months later, swollen with his children, heavy, and completely dependent upon him.

The thought caused his lips to part as his eyes narrowed.

With Harriet peacefully asleep, he carefully found himself under the covers and began to relieve the longing that mental image had ignited.

As his darling continued her rest undisturbed, Tom groaned as he emptied himself into his hand before he cleaned the evidence of his guilt with a nonverbal spell.

He sincerely hoped his fascination with his beloved would be merciful to him yet.

It made him frown to think how Harriet may react when she was close to delivery if he failed to keep his hands to himself.


Harriet had an easier time than most as she ended her first trimester with very few complaints, thanks to Tom's loving ways and his expertly brewed potions.

Present for each of her midwife appointments, Tom was pleased to learn at Harriet's twelve week checkup that his lover and children all continued to be well.

"You're doing excellent, Miss Potter." The magical midwife smiled as she removed her wand from the already noticeable curve of Harriet's belly.

Tom watched the motion carefully as he impatiently waited his turn to yet again place a hand over Harriet's abdomen.

The small swell had recently rounded to prominence.

Harriet had had to push Tom's hands off her earlier that morning so they could leave for her appointment.

"Brilliant." Harriet smiled as the midwife moved over to her small desk in the examination room.

Left alone on the table, Harriet pulled her robes down to cover her belly and meet the white sheet over her legs before she pushed herself up by her arms.

Tom instantly moved forward to assist.

Harriet laughed at his readiness as she let him pull her up, "I'm not that far gone yet."

"Perhaps not, but you will be soon." He whispered with an eager grin.

The midwife handed them several more pamphlets before she sent the unlikely couple out to enjoy their Saturday.

Tom relished the fact that he had the remainder of the weekend to spend with Harriet, uninterrupted.

His ambition drove him to seek and enjoy power, but with his darling on his arm, Tom noticed his priorities had adjusted quite a bit.

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