Chapter 19 - The Riddle Family

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Harriet and Tom easily settled into married life.

Pleasant mornings at home drifted into hectic afternoons spent at the Ministry.

The triplets split their time between their parents and their grandmother's care.

As they grew out of infancy and into toddlerhood, Harriet and Tom both commended each other on their work.

"You're raising three wonderful sons, sweetling." Tom purred in her ear one evening.

Harriet sighed as he held her from behind while she gazed at their reflections in the floor length mirror.

Two years after the triplets' birth, her waist had shrunken but her hips remained wider, a change which Tom had voiced his eager approval of on more than one occasion.

"They're taught by their father, Tom." She chuckled as she turned to nuzzle his cheek, "I can only take so much credit."

Tom groaned quietly as their lips met while he wrapped his arms around Harriet more tightly.

As they began a slow, dedicated stumble towards the bed, Harriet smirked against Tom's lips.

Her husband was the head of the household, the protector, the provider, and more, though Harriet realized she ultimately held the power in their relationship.

As Tom broke her with his sharp kisses and greedy touch, Harriet delighted in his possessive love.


One year passed.





Before Tom and Harriet realized, the triplets celebrated their eleventh birthday.

That evening was spent in private at Riddle Manor.

Together, the entire family enjoyed a fine dinner and a large cake made of three layers.

Tom III chose the top layer to be chocolate.

James chose strawberry for the second later of the cake.

Thomas chose vanilla for the bottom layer.

Although Thomas's brothers teased him for having chosen last, he took their taunts in stride as he celebrated his real victory.

Each layer of the cake became progressively smaller due to the Riddle family's chef's quest to make the treat visually pleasing.

The cake's bottom layer was the largest of all three.

After dinner, once the family left the dining room and entered the parlor to allow the boys time to open their gifts, Tom III rushed over to the empty hearth and shouted, "Look over here!"

As Merope and the other two triplets rushed forward, Harriet clutched her husband's hand as they both beheld what lay on the ashy brick.

There, on the hearth's bottom, waited three Hogwarts letters, each addressed to one of the Minister's sons.


Shopping at Diagon Alley for supplies was an interesting experience with three inquisitive, energetic boys who ran from shop to shop as Harriet and Tom struggled to keep up with them.

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