Chapter 7 - Under Tom's Wings

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The following morning, Tom's dark eyes widened as he read over Harriet's response.

Dear Tom, Minister for Magic,

Congratulations! I haven't had much time to write recently but I did hear news of your election win and inauguration. That's brilliant! Of course I will gladly end my current mission under your orders. I'll be home in a fortnight as soon as I can prepare things here for my successor. I don't know what to say about the honour you've given me! I'm also not quite sure why I was chosen. There are many others under the Ministry's employ who may make a better, and certainly more experienced, Head Auror.

Thanks again, sir,

Harriet J. Potter

Tom sighed as he sank back in his chair with a pleasant smile on his handsome face.


As he sat at his elegant desk in his spacious office, he couldn't help but imagine the respectful title fall from Harriet's lips as she crouched in front of him and-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He started at the unexpected rapping that fell on his door and annihilated his daydream.

His lascivious thoughts vanished as he narrowed his eyes and hissed, "Come in!"

The door opened before a very elderly man shuffled into Tom's office as he spoke, "Good morning, Minister. I was hoping we may have a brief chat."

"Good morning, Maxwell." Tom nodded, "Certianly.....Please, sit down, tell me what's on your mind. Are you ready to meet your replacement? She'll be here soon."

A wicked smirk curled his lips as he watched Maxwell Gollen, the current Head Auror, slowly hobble over and sit in the leather chair across from his desk.

"So I've heard, yes.....Minister, that is exactly what I've come to talk to you about this morning." Maxwell confessed.

"Is that so?" Tom growled suspiciously.

"It is, sir." Maxwell nodded as he raised his cloudy eyes to meet Tom's unforgiving gaze, "The young lady you've suggested to fill my role, she's little more than a child......She hasn't even spent a decade in the field yet. We have personnel actively serving who've been loyal to the Ministry for more than eighty years! I humbly wish to ask you, Minister, why do you feel so strongly about this ....young lady.....Is she really the best choice to lead our department?"

Tom silently restrained the urge to cast the Killing Curse as he gazed at Maxwell.

Instead of choosing simple violence to easily solve his problem, Tom valiantly opted to try and use cruelty instead.

"With all due respect, sir." He sniffed, "Harriet Potter is, in my opinion at least, the brightest witch of her age. She's strong and loyal, with an unwavering dedication to her duties and friends. I have no doubt she will steer our defense department into the next era, with those from the last eager to assist in her endeavors of course."

The frown of complete disapproval on Maxwell's face only made Tom chuckle.

He smirked to himself as he added, "I do, however, understand your concerns, sir." He folded his hands on his heavy desk as he smiled, "However, as Minister for Magic, I'm afraid my decision is absolute. You are loyal to the Ministry, as is Harriet Potter. Aren't those admirable qualities? I'm certain it's needless of me to remind you that anyone who wishes to publicly criticize my decisions could be charged with treason..........trailed.......and sent to Azkaban on my command."

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