Chapter 12 - Tom's Victory

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Harriet couldn't determine if it was morning or evening.

She couldn't quite remember where she was, where she had been before, or even where she was going.

All she could focus on was the incredible sensation of the soft sheets slipping against her skin as Tom Riddle, the handsome alpha who'd been kind enough to let her nest in his home, bathed her in languid kisses.

Harriet let out a breath as the forceful suffering of her heat washed away once again under the incredible touch of her lover's roving fingertips.

Procreation for a purpose, that's all Harriet had expected.

She hadn't dared to imagine the man she had harbored sentiment for during the past decade would ever have been undeniably passionate.

"Tom.........." Harriet breathed as she let her body slowly undulate.

His fingertips elicited a pleasant cooling across her heated skin.

His mouth massaged the pain from her most tender bits, especially her breasts, heavy from the hormonal storm her body weathered.

Harriet sighed as she moved to stroke the sides of Tom's lean, long, muscular body while he moved between her legs.

A low growl issued from his throat as he nipped his way across Harriet's collarbone while her thighs wrapped around his waist.

"Again, already?" He smirked as Harriet pulled him close and tried her best to impale herself once more on his arousal.

"I need you, Tom!" She gasped as she blinked her emerald eyes half-open, desperate to find relief from her body's primal needs.

Her words and voice sent the hair on the back of Tom's neck standing at attention.

".........I'm here, Harriet. I'm here." Tom whispered soothingly to his darling as he pressed a deep kiss against her lips.

He had meant to speak in his usual, smooth tone, but he failed to hide the huskiness that entered his voice as his beautiful lover welcomed him back into her deliciously warm body.

Harriet's nails raked Tom's back as they made love once more while the sounds of their panting destroyed the room's tranquil silence.

The hoarse cry that left her throat sometime later only increased Tom's own bliss while they writhed through their explosive pleasure together.


For the next several days, Tom and Harriet spent their lives in a haze.









Having never experienced the luxury of passing a heat in the arms of an alpha, Harriet enjoyed every second of their week together, in spite of the aches and discomforts her body forced upon her.

Tom often wondered if he had slipped from the mortal world and passed into some other plane of existence.

Having Harriet, taking Harriet, claiming Harriet, seeing her rely on him, it had been nearly too decadent to comprehend.

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now