Chapter 2.

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Candy POV.

I'm currently backstage watching the bloodline vs the O.C.

I hear footsteps and I look seeing The Judgement Day walking towards me.

Rhea“ So your the Candy Cotton I hear about.

I take a bite out of my candy apple and nod she offers a hand and I look at it.

Rhea“ You shake.

Candy“ *shakes hand* It is nice to meet the champ *looks at Damien* Tall.

He chuckles.

Damien“ Short.

Candy“ *looks at Finn Balor* So what is it?

Finn“ We want you to join the Judgement Day.

Candy“ Yea no I retired from wrestling and I am happy being a commentator.

Rhea glares at me and I shrug and turn around and walk out to commentary.


I'm watching the women's world championship match and Raquel and Rhea are doing so great.

Rhea and Raquel end up at ringside and Raquel hits a powerbomb on the apron.

She throws Rhea back into the ring and just as she gets on the apron she gets attacked by Nia Jax.

The ref calls a DQ and I take my headset off and check on Raquel I stand up but then I get hit from behind.

Nia“ Aww pour little Candy!

I struggle up and see Nia attacking Rhea Ripley I glare and struggle myself into the ring.

Michael“ Candy Cotton isn't no stranger to giants she wrestled Aja Kong in her retirement match in Japan and won so Nia Jax isn't any different in her eyes I'm guessing.

I get in the ring and everyone cheers and Nia turns around and I roundhouse kick her head and I run to the rope and do a springboard front flip DDT.


Nia rolls out the ring everyone cheering loud for I was able to flip Nia Jax.

I look at the Women's World title at my feet I pick it up and look seeing Rhea sitting in the corner looking at me shocked.

I walk towards her and hand her the championship and my music hits and turn to Nia backing up the ramp.

I give her my sugar rush glare which makes the crowd cheer.

Michael“ Is Candy Cotton out of retirement!?

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