Chapter 8.

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Candy POV.

I'm currently stretching getting ready for a mixed tag team match with Pentagon against Rhea and Dominic.

I get picked up bridal style and laugh as Pentagon kisses my head and we head to the ring.

Pentagon's music plays and I am skipping on the stage and Pentagon does the Cero Mierdo.

I jump on Pentagon's back and we head down the ramp we enter the ring and I drop in a split blow a kiss.


I'm watching Pentagon beating the hell out of Dominic I'm jumping up and down excited.

I hear Nia's music I turn around and see Nia walking down the ramp eyes focused on me.

Ivelisse and Rosemary run out and start fighting her off I turn around and Rhea tags herself in.

I get tagged and hit springboard headscissor takedown but Rhea uses her strength and powerbombs me I get up as quick as I could and me and Rhea brawl.

Rhea throws me into her corner and Dominic grabs my hair Rhea laughs and walks towards me seductively but I kick her down.

I turn around and punch Dominic I look seeing Nia overpowering Rosemary and see Ivelisse on the ground.

I climb the turnbuckle and dive onto Nia which knocks her down the crowd goes wild.

Candy" LETS GO!

I turn around and ended up with a big boot from Rhea.

She grabs me and throws me back in the ring Dominic gets in the ring and Pentagon gets in, but Dominic throws powder in his face.

I walk to Pentagon but he kicks my stomach and sets me up for a package piledriver.

I scream but Pentagon connects it.

Rhea drags me to the center of the ring and pins me.

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Rhea kisses my lips and Dominic kisses my lips and they laugh and walk out.

Pentagon cradles me and apologised I laugh it off and he kisses me and I kiss back.

Rhea" *grabs mic* Hey Candy you putted up a fight next week I'll give you a shot my title.

I stare in shock I'm going to fight Rhea for the championship?

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