Chapter 9.

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Candy POV.

I'm standing in the ring waiting for Rhea I hear her music play but she's not coming out.

I get hit in the back of the head I see Rhea standing above me, she gets on top of me and starts laying punches on me.

*1 hour later*

Me and Rhea have gone over an hour of fighting just as we both stand up in separate corners a cackling laugh is heard.

I see Kharma on stage with Ivelisse unconscious and Rosemary being held in a sleeper hold.

Rhea welcoming Kharma to the ring challenging her I stand beside Rhea.

Kharma shoves Rosemary to the ground and walks towards us.

Corey“ What is Kharma doing here!? I thought she left!

Kharma stands on the apron and Rhea big boots her and I take advantage and jump on Rhea's back and start hitting her head.

Rhea backs us in a corner I drop to the floor and Rhea smirks and goes to the corner across from me.

She smacks her ass and hits me with a running hip attack I groan in pain.

I grab Rhea's ankle and pull her down.

I get on the top turnbuckle and look around the crowd cheering I lift my leg up and hit a split leg drop on her and pin.

1 2 3.

I get off Rhea and stand up and I grab the title I raise it high I back up til I feel another body.

I turn around and get hit with a spinning backfist from Kharma.

Michael“ Looks like Kharma has her sights on the new Women's World champion!

Rhea POV.

I'm sitting in the corner and once I get my vision back I see Kharma set Candy for an implant buster I run save her and get in Kharma's face.


Kharma smirks and kicks me and hits me with a powerbomb.

Candy POV.

I feel Kharma's foot on my head and she raises my newly earned championship and drops it and walks out.


I'm in the lockerroom and Ivelisse and Rosemary and I are recovering from that attack from Kharma.

Rhea walks in with the Judgement Day.

Candy“ What are you doing here?

Rhea“ I'm gonna put my rematch on hold sense we both have a common enemy *offers hand* Truce?

I look at the girls Rosemary and Ivelisse pick up their tag titles and walk out.

Oh those bitches.

Candy“ Fine truce.

Dominic and Rhea smirk and wink and walk out with the rest of their group.

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