Chapter 4.

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Candy POV.

I see Nia Jax in the ring then my music hits I get motivated and I run up on stage.

I wave to the crowd and I skip down and I see Nia giving me a glare.

I enter the ring and I run at her and she knocks me on the ground.

I kick her leg and get back on my feet I start to repeatedly kick her face.

She shoves me and sets me for a Samoan Drop but I lock a headscissor armbar.

I hear Judgement Day's music and Nia throws me off her and I see Rhea and the others watching from the ramp.

I see Nia being distracted and I hit a dragon sleeper hold and back us into the turnbuckle I get on the second turnbuckle and hit the sugar rush.

She backs up to the turnbuckle dazed and I roll her up with a sneak pin.

Ref“ 1 2 3!

Crowd cheers loudly and I roll out of the ring catching my breath I raise my hand and the ref points at me as the winner.

I remove the wig letting my natural hair fall down and I back to the barricade having fans slap my back and pat my shoulders a couple younger fans hugging me.

Michael runs to me with a mic.


Candy“ *laughs* As much as it was fun to be in that ring I came to WWE to be a commentator and I plan to stay that way.

I head up the ramp waving to the fans and I see Judgement Day blocking my path.

They move out of my way and I walk past them and I feel a hand smack my ass.

I turn around and see Dominic smirking.

Graves“ What was Dominic thinking!?

I glare and roundhouse kick him he backs up into Rhea and they look at me with shock.

Candy“ Nicht anfassen.

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