Chapter 7.

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Candy POV.

It's a brand new week and we're all standing in the ring Ivelisse and Rosemary are going to challenge for WWE women's tag team championship.

Penta“ We come to WWE to assist Sugar.

Penta pulls me to a side hug and kisses me head but then we hear the bloodlines music and see them walk out with the judgement Day.

We all stare eachother down but security comes between the ring and I smile and kiss the boys cheeks getting anger from Dominick's face.

Security sends them back and I see Iyo sky and Dakota Kai come out getting ready to defend their tag titles.


I watch Bayley get on the apron I power walk around the ring and Bayley gets off the apron and starts yelling at me.

I roundhouse kick her and I smirk as she drops to the ground.

I see Ivelisse hit a jumping DDT and pin Iyo.

1 2 3.

Rosemary and Ivelisse won the tag titles.

I watch them celebrate until I they start getting jumped by the bloodline and Judgement Day.

I try to get in the ring but Roman gets pushed into me making me fall off the apron.

I clutch my knee and I see Roman  looking at me with shock.

Penta superkicks Roman.

Abyss chokeslams the Usos.

Steve spits green mist into solo's face.

Fenix spears Finn and Priest.

Rosemary and Ivelisse double suplex Rhea.

I struggle up but I feel a sharp pain in my leg.

Penta helps me up and we walk backstage.


I'm sitting on a crate while the others are gone to catering I notice Roman walking towards me.

Roman“ I'm sorry about your leg.

Candy“ *smirks* Are you?

Roman“ *sighs* Yes.

We shake hands.

Roman“ And uh listen we don't want problems with your family so we'll stay out of your judgement Day issue.

Candy“ Appreciate it.

He walks off and I notice Rhea walking towards me and she has anger in her eyes.

Rhea“ You bitch!

I smirk.

Candy“ What's up?

Rhea“ You couldn't handle us by yourself so you called people from other companies or the Indies!

Candy“ What's wrong with the Indies?


Candy“ I'm from the Indies.

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