Chapter 5.

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Candy POV.

I'm currently sitting at commentary watching the Judgement Day make an announcement.

Rhea“ Before we get started Cotton get your ass in the ring!

I look at Michael and Corey with confusion and I remove the headset and walk up the steps.

Dominic opens the ropes for me and I enter the ring but I keep my distance from them.

Rhea“ You need to make your decision be our manager or suffer the consequences.

Candy“ *scoffs*.

I turn to leave but Rhea grabs my arm and I give her a glare and she smirks.

Rhea“ Not an answer.

Candy“ I'm not interested bitch!

The crowd goes wild and Rhea's smile slowly drops and I immediately feel regret.

Rhea“ *pouts* How sad.

She headbutts me and sets me for the riptide but then I hear Becky Lynch's music.

Rhea then sets me in a sleeper hold and I see Becky Seth Rey and the New Day.


Rhea nods her head and the judgement Day exit the ring and she backs up to the ropes.

She kisses my ear and shoves me into Kofi Kingston and I watch the Judgement Day head up the ramp.


I'm walking through the hallways and I see McKenzie.

McKenzie“ Candy we just saw-.

Candy“ McKenzie listen I don't care about what happened that's why I'm going to the lockerroom and get my stuff and head for my hotel.

I pat her shoulder and walk to the lockerroom I enter and start getting my stuff.

I turn and I'm met with a superkick by Damien Priest and lights go out.

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