2. An Unexpected Arrangement

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The huge, luxurious hall, adorned with golden chandeliers and intricate tapestries, exuded an air of opulence and grandeur. I sipped my drink, my gaze fixed on Ashutosh Dhillon, the current ruling party member, who was smirking at me from across the room.


"Don't you think he wants the land for his personal motives?" Kabir, my friend and one of the most astute businessmen in the city whispered to me, suspicion coloring his eyes.

A small twitch formed at the corner of my lips as I contemplated Kabir's words. "What can you expect from a politician?" I replied, my voice dripping with cynicism. "It's always about power and personal gain."

Kabir leaned in closer, his voice barely a murmur. "You know, he's been trying to sweet-talk everyone into selling. It's as if he's desperate."

I chuckled softly, swirling the amber liquid in my glass. "Desperate or greedy? I don't trust his intentions, Kabir. This land has been in my family for generations. I won't let him take it easily."

As the evening wore on, Ashutosh Dhillon made his way through the crowd, finally standing before us with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Gentlemen, what a pleasure to see you here."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning politeness. "Is it, Mr. Dhillon? Or are you just scouting for opportunities?"

He chuckled, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Always the businessman, aren't you? But let's not talk shop tonight. We're here to enjoy."

I wasn't one to mince words. "Cut to the chase, Mr. Dhillon. What's your interest in that land of ours?"

Dhillon's smile faded slightly, and he leaned in closer. "Gentlemen, let's be reasonable. That land is valuable, and I can make it worth your while to sell."

I exchanged a knowing look with Kabir. "Worth our while? You mean lining your own pockets?"

Dhillon's facade cracked, and his tone turned icy. "You underestimate me, Mr. Oberio. I can be a powerful supporter or a lethal opponent."

I chuckled again, my patience wearing thin. "Mr. Dhillon, you might be a politician, but you don't know the lengths to protect what's mine."

Kabir chimed in, his voice firm. "We won't be bullied into submission, Mr. Dhillon. This land is not for sale at any price."

Dhillon's eyes narrowed, and he turned to leave, his parting words filled with a thinly veiled threat. "Very well, gentlemen. But remember, in this city, power can change hands, and fortunes can change overnight."

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