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"This is ridiculous" he muttered gearing up the engine.

"What's ridiculous in going to my parent's house?" she rolled her eyes.

"The fact that it's 7:30 in the morning" he grumbled.

"Oh come on" she rolled her eyes.

She kept bouncing in her seat to the beat coming from the radio. She had been so excited to go to her house that she had been awake since 5:30, when she had woken up for subh prayers and she hadn't even gone back to sleep since then. She prepared their breakfast and literally dragged him to the bathroom just so he could shower. He had been grumbling about how it was too early but well . . . she had managed to convince him.

The moment they stopped by the entrance of the house she quickly tried to get out of the car until she was stopped by a hand on her arm.

"Wait! Call me when you want me to come pick you up" he told her.

After a series of argument she finally agreed to let him pick her up, at first she insisted one of their driver will drive her back home but then he finally convinced her. The two drivers he had hired weren't due to come until Monday, which was when he was resuming work because he said he wanted to be driving her around until he went back to work.

"OK, see you later" she smiled.

"Later" he mumbled.

"Uh Fahad.." He was half hoping she'll change her mind so they could drive back home and have a day in "you're still holding unto my arm" she giggled motioning to the hand he clasped around her arm.

"Oh, yeah.. Bye" he said withdrawing his hand back.

"Bye" she giggled getting out of the car.

The twins were both sitting by the breakfast table on the high stools as they were backing the door to the kitchen. She creeped towards them silently, one of the maids she met had told her they were in the kitchen. They were eating their breakfast of noodles with sausages while both tapping on their phones.

"Boo!" She shouted when she was directly behind them.

They merely turned back to glance at her before returning back to their breakfasts. She gasped while hitting them both on their heads, upside down.

"You guys are so mean? You don't even look like you missed me. 'We'll always be coming to your house till you get tired and even then we'll not stop coming'.." She said mimicking what they had said before "even once, I didn't see your tiny legs. And you were there making unfulfilled promises" she was borderline ranting while flailing both her hands.

"Calm down sister" Abdulrahman said trying to calm her down "we couldn't just come so early, you know how newly weds can get, being all lovey-dovey" they both scrunched their faces as if just the thought of it made them uncomfortable.

"We. . . Yo- . . . " she stuttered, "even though, that isn't a reason for you not to come" she argued crossing her arms.

"Okay we're sorry ma" they joked both holding unto their ears "mun tuba a yafe mu (we're sorry forgive us)"

"Better" she said, dragging them both into a group hug.

"Where are mama and Abba?" She asked as she stole some food from Abdulraheem's plate.

"Stop stealing my food, didn't you eat in your house" he said dragging his plate away from her.

"Well because I was excited to meet some people I couldn't really eat properly, even though they don't really look happy to see me" she said eyeing them "anyways, you didn't answer my question" she reminded him.

"Oh.. They went to drop Hajiya Iya" he said scrunching up his face.

"Oh yes! Mama told me yesterday when I called in the morning" she remembered mama telling her that. Hajiya Iya did her usual emotional drama, telling their dad of how he didn't think she was important that was why he was not escorting her instead he was sending her back alone. So he and mama had to escort her back.

"Yes, but they'll be coming back any minute from now"

"Ok. So guys while we wait for mama and Abba, tell me what you guys have been up to this few weeks" she said sitting beside them on the high stools.

"Hajiya Iya found a girl for me" Abdulrahman said going all serious at once.

"What?! When? Who?" She asked shocked.

"I'm supposed to meet her today, wai her name is Zahra" he said.

"Well.. I hope it goes well" she prayed.

They talked about Maryam, Abdulrahim's fiancée, she was going to graduate in a week and after that the date of the wedding will be fixed. That reminded her of her own school, she needed to talk to Abba to see if she's even going back to that school, she knew she was probably going to be transferred back here since she's now married, but she was going to try to convince him to let her go back.

"They're back" she said looking at the tv shows the CCTV all around the house in the twins' sitting room, their car just entered the driveway. She skipped downstairs to the entrance door almost tripping in the way, she missed her parents so much.

They were both coming out of the car and she looked at both of then wondering who to hug first but the she hugged mama because she was closer to her. She then hugged Abba his usual scent enveloping her, clinging onto her dad they entered the door.

"Why did you take the trouble of bringing it yourself" mama said when she saw her battling with a large tray of fruits and drink. She kept it on the center table of the sitting room where everybody was gathered.

"She wants to take all the blessings she can get before she goes back to her own house" Abdulrahim joked, he has been teasing her since about the fact that she now had a different home.

"Whatever, this is home" she rolled her eyes.

"Was, little sister. Was." She rolled her eyes deciding to ignore him

She let out a contented smil as she sat between her family members, words couldn't tell how much she missed them. This was home, where her family is.

After maghrib prayer, Abba was in his study going over somethings when she walked in.

"Abba, about my school when am I going back?" She asked after a minute of silence.

"Didn't Fahad tell you that you're transferring back here?" Abba asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Transfer? No he didn't tell me" she shook her head "but Abba, don't you think its better if I finish my university there. I mean, it's just one semester ai" she tried convincing him.

"That's not my decision to make, rather its your husband's, if her agrees toh shikenan, that's all" he said.

She nodded her head as she left the room thinking of how she was going to convince Fahad.


Salam Alaikum,
How are y'all?
Sorry for not updating for long, I had a small writers block, and then laziness took over but then school also resumed, and there's sleep (anyone who knows me knows I value my sleep 😂😂) . So I'm sorry.

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